1 Minute Recipe to Remove the Spots on Your Face

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We all care about our skin, but sometimes it doesn’t look as we want. It can be harmed by various external factors, such as excessive sun exposure.

Although there are various healthy and beauty treatments for skin, the homemade or alternative remedies are always the safer and more effective ones.

In this post, we present you a new formula that will help you get rid of the dark spots on your face.


Natural glycerin – 3 drops;Hydrogen peroxide – 4 drops;Powdered milk – 2 tablespoons.Lemon juice


In a glass bowl, add the above listed ingredients and stir using a wooden spoon.

Stir until the mixture gets a creamy consistence.

That’s it. You have made yourself a natural mask for eliminating the dark spots on your face.

Here’s How to Use It?

Use mild soap and clean water to wash your face, and pat it dry.

Apply the prepared mask on your face and let it stay overnight.

The next morning, rinse your face with cold water and quickly dry it.

For noticeable results, apply the mask every night for 7 consecutive days.

Via Cookist

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