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Today’s colds and flues are easily treated and disappear in a matter of days. In the past, however, illnesses such as common cold, tetanus, smallpox, or polio could mean a death sentence. Modern medicine has advanced so much since that time that life expectancy has significantly increased on a global level. So, could there be a cure for AIDS or cancer? Can blindness be fully treated with stem cells?
Take a look at the 10 conditions which are said to have encouraging remedies.
Note: Consult a doctor before considering any of the following treatments!
1. Aging
According to a late study from the University of Tsukuba, mitochondrial DNA doesn’t mutate naturally but builds up proteins throughout the whole life. Mitochondria are also known as “the powerhouses of cells”.
When aged cell lines are reset with stem cells, the old ones morph back into young cells. The combining process of stem cells with amino acid glycine causes reversing of some of the mitochondria defects which develop over longer periods of time.
The effectiveness of a new process in which nutritional supplements and medications extend life expectancy and improve natural regenerative properties in our body has been demonstrated in a 2005 Stanford University study.
Today, Autoimmune Deficiency Syndrome is not only an epidemic in developing nations but also in industrially advanced ones. It was not recognized until the 80s. AIDS is caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and it’s known to have no cure, treatment, or vaccine, maybe until recently.
RV144 is the potential vaccine for AIDS which was tested on rhesus monkeys in 2012. M, it was the first-ever substance that decreased the rate of the acquisition of the virus.
These results were duplicated by the Case Western Reserve University in July 2016, this time using macaques (a type of monkey). The researchers predicted the outcome of the vaccine accurately in 2/3 of the participants, using pre-vaccination RNA screening. As they conclude, this might be a catalyst for predictive and personalized vaccinology.
The best part is that this vaccine is now ready for human clinical trials.
3. Alzheimer’s
Around 5.4 million people in the U.S. are affected by Alzheimer’s, 96 percent of whom are over the age of 65. This devastating disease consumes and destroys the mental faculties, cognition, and eventually the memory of Alzheimer’s patients.
The powerful chemical in marijuana, THT, M to destroys the buildup of toxic proteins which cause the disease. By removing the toxic buildup, it prevents inflammation in the brain. The human body also produces similar but naturally occurring chemicals, endocannabinoids, which trigger these reactions.
Researchers have developed a vaccine that eliminates toxic proteins in the brain that eventually cause dementia, leading to Alzheimer’s.
4. Baldness
Around 50 million people in the U.S. are affected by baldness, and apparently, over a third of them are women. Some of the most common reasons for hair thinning or baldness are stress, diet, medication, and age. It really is a disheartening condition.
You have probably seen all sorts of hair loss treatments on television infomercials. They work by transferring active hair follicles to regions with inactive follicles.
However, Japanese scientists have come up with a new method to restore hair growth and get rid of baldness. They have completely regenerated hair follicles using stem cells. Not only that this hair treatment prevents hair loss, but it also stimulates hair growth.
5. Blindness
More than 7 million people in the U.S. have reported some sort of visual disability only in 2013. Moorfields Eye Hospital in London, UK, is currently testing stem cells, after seeing the results of Dr. Jeffrey Weiss’s study.
The researchers extracted stem cells from bone marrow, and then using a thin layer of polyester they injected the cells into the eye, distributing them behind the retina of the patient. The outcome was restored vision in more than 100 blind patients.
6. Cancer
The scientific and medical community has been searching for a cancer cure for decades, despite the general notion that this disease cannot be cured.
A substance regarded as a cancer vaccine was developed by Johannes Gutenberg University. The researchers injected RNA from cancer cells into mice, to initiate a lethal immune response to all cancer cells in their bodies. The outcome was death to “aggressively growing” tumors. Human tests showed promising results too, with some brain cancer sufferers succeeding to get remission in a short time.
7. Hepatitis C
In 2014, FDA approved a 12-week course of pill treatment that was supposed to cure Hepatitis C in most patients. Although the treatment costs around $80,000, it’s worth the gamble as around 350,000 die from Hepatitis C every year. Other treatments come with disastrous side effects and are not always effective.
8. Herpes
Herpes is a very common virus, and sadly, extremely contagious. It has over 100 strains, and you might have it without even knowing as it can lay dormant in your body during your whole life.
CRISPR is a gene-editing technology used by researchers who try to destroy double-stranded DNA in 3 different strains of herpes, preventing replication of the virus. Although still in its early stages, the research is so far the most promising treatment of cold sores.
9. Parkinson’s
Leukemia treatment has also been shown to eliminate unneeded biological material in people with Parkinson’s disease. Low doses of nilotinib have shown significant improvement in the two main symptoms of Parkinson’s, motor skills and coordination.
report this adNevertheless, the positive results have reversed over a certain period, and the symptoms have returned. Researchers continued to believe in this new treatment.
10. Type 1 Diabetes
Diabetes is a genetic disease that deprives the body of insulin. Insulin is produced in the beta cells in the pancreas, which are attacked by the immune system. This disease is the 7th leading cause of death in America.
Ocrc developed by the Stem Cell Institute at Harvard involves turning generated beta cells from stem cells. When combining them with an immunosuppressant, the immune system is prevented from attacking the beta cells, which represents yet another promising treatment.
As these treatments are still in the trial phases of development, you must consult the expertise of a licensed doctor prior to considering any of these unproven options.
Via Listverse | ChemDiv