10 Signs of Hormonal Imbalance You Shouldn’t Ignore

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The human body is a complex system that is composed of different components which help to ensure its health and wellness. Assume the human body is a computer system and in case of a problem arising in any part of the computer system be it a hardware issue or a software issue, an error will be displayed or the system will start to display certain signs of failure.

The human body on the other hand is composed of special messengers which help to signal the various organs in the body to perform their functions as required. Hormones are known to affect the human body in different ways and some of them include your body temperature, your cognition, your mood, your libido, your development, and your growth.

In women, the hormonal imbalance has been found to affect various aspects of their lives and it could lead to one feeling sick and to losing or gaining weight drastically. When the hormones in the body are not in check, they will lead to havoc on the body.

Below are 10 signs of hormonal imbalance you shouldn’t ignore.

1. Frequent weight gain

The human body requires food from various groups in order to ensure that it is able to generate energy that is utilized in the functionality of the organs. There are times most women will notice that they are constantly increasing in weight despite their participation in weight loss diets and exercises.

If you have noticed this and you have been wrecking your mind with thoughts about the cause of the problem, then you need to know that the problem could lie in your hormones. This can be highly attributed to cortisol, a stress hormone that is usually disrupted therefore resulting in weight gain which occurs around the belly.

2. Mood changes

Hormones affect one’s mood in different ways. You may find an individual who is depressed, anxious, or irritated. The result in low mood is attributed to the thyroid gland, which plays an important part in the production and even regulation of hormones in the body.

Mood changes are brought about by the overproduction of TSH which occurs through Hypothyroidism. Therefore when you start experiencing low mood, you need to know that your hormones are imbalanced.

3. Excessive sweating

Sweating is a vital function in the body that helps to ensure that the body is cooled as well as toxins are eliminated. Excessive sweating is a common sign of hormonal imbalance and women who are undergoing menopause; they will get experience hot flashes.

During the night, as one lies on the bed, night sweats will occur and are indicators of the onset of menopause itself. The endocrine system is responsible for night sweats which may be brought about by the over or underproduction of serotonin.

4. Fatigue

Fatigue is one sign of hormonal imbalance you should not ignore. Do you have a good night’s sleep and wake up feeling tired? Cortisol is known to contribute to this effect and these occur when feelings of stress are experienced. When stress is present too often, it will affect the production of cortisol, therefore, causing fatigue.

There are instances where people with chronic stress may experience Adrenal fatigue which is brought about by high levels of cortisol. Cortisol is known to control the circadian rhythm and when it’s disrupted, it leads to low levels of cortisol, therefore, making one feel tired and empty.

5. Digestion problems

Digestion problems could be attributed to the imbalance of three hormones in the gastrointestinal system. The three hormones include gastrin, secretin, and cholecystokinin, which are also referred to as CCK. The 3 hormones are known to stimulate the actual digestive process, which helps in the breaking down of food into soluble molecules that are easily absorbed into the bloodstream.

6. Hair loss

Human hair plays an important part in the human body. The hair on the head helps to protect the scalp and ensure that it stays cool. The hair on the arms and legs traps air molecules, which help to ensure that one stays cool during a hot day. When a woman starts to experience hair loss, it can be attributed to a lack of testosterone.

While women have small levels of testosterone in their bodies, the lack of it will ultimately lead to a condition known as dihydrotestosterone or DHT, therefore, triggering hair loss.

7. Low libido

Low libido is one of the signs of hormonal imbalance in the body and it’s attributed to the hormone known as androgen. The hormone is normally produced in a man’s body by the testicles, while in women it is produced in the ovaries.

When the respective organs do not produce androgen as required, it will ultimately lead to poor libido, especially in women.

8. Interrupted sleep

Sleep is a vital function in the everyday life of an individual and it’s known to contribute to the wellness and health of an individual. In case of menopause or perimenopause, women will start to experience insomnia and interrupted sleep. This is highly attributed to hormonal imbalance and the changes could result in severe consequences in the end.

During sleep, the problems regarding hormone levels in the body are addressed therefore sleep deprivation can be attributed to 10 different hormones that cause problems with appetite, cardiac health, mental health, and fertility.

Estrogen is known to regulate sleep patterns among women and its deficiency which occurs during menopause or perimenopause is known to be a leading cause of insomnia.

9. Dry eyes syndrome

This occurs when the eyes are unable to produce enough tears for adequate moisturization, and the same is when its substitutes are out of balance too. This can be quite uncomfortable and painful and it’s brought about by hormonal imbalance. When hormonal imbalance affects the production of testosterone in the body, it affects the lacrimal and Meibomian glands which help in the production of tears, therefore, leading to dry eyes.

10. Sugar craving

Imbalance in the thyroid gland will cause an individual to crave sugar. Sugar craving is a result of low levels of thyroid hormone therefore when one eats sugar or sugary products, it gives the body a break from fatigue.

References: Simple Most | PubMed | Zulu

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