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Chances are you’ve never heard of quenepas, the tropical food that belongs to the soapberry family of exotic fruits. (indeed, the name is not recognized as a word by Microsoft Word; type it and it will be underlined in red), so let me begin by introducing it.
It is also known as melicoccus bijugatus. They grow all over South America (Puerto Rico) and are called by a host of other names (go to Wikiwand to see them). Let us get to the main point — what makes it healthy?
1. It is full of fiber that reduces constipation and lowers cholesterol.
2. It contains vitamin A, which is good for your urinary system.
3. Vitamin A and vitamin C, and other antioxidants fight with the free radicals, stabilize them, and thus prevents oxidative damage to the white blood cells, the backbone of our immune system.
4. Along with all vitamins and minerals, another nutrient the quenepa contains is tryptophan, which helps to get a good night’s sleep.
5. Another is lysine, which prevents herpes and also aids in the growth process.
6. The quenepa lowers your blood pressure.
7. It can also help other health problems like asthma.
8. It is low in fat and calories.
9. It is a reach source of calcium, which strengthens the bones and teeth and plays a role in cancer prevention.
10. It contains phosphorus, which regulates hormones and aids digestion.
11. The Quenepa fruit contains a significant amount of iron – the key to the high production of red blood cells.
12. It is low on sugar, which makes it a great fruit for people who are suffering from diabetes.
13. The dietary fiber of this exotic fruit will help us feel full so that we can meet our weight loss goals easier and faster.
Cooked or mixed with other foods, quenepa can have many other health benefits. For instance, tea made from the leaves can soothe intestinal problems; or the seeds can be roasted, crushed, and combined with honey as an antidote for diarrhea.
How to eat Quenepa Fruit
The Spanish Lime must not be eaten until they are ripe because they contain toxins.
Simply bite the shell to break it, exposing the fruit-covered seed inside. Then proceed to chew the fruit off the seed.
Be sure not to swallow the seed; it is big and hard, and you can choke on it. When you are done eating, the seed should be practically bare.
Source: OM Times