15 Health Benefits of Eating Avocado Every Day

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Without any doubt, avocado is among the most popular fruits in the United States and all over our planet. The beautiful, sweet taste makes many people wonder whether it is good to eat avocado or not. The truth is that avocado is packed with nutrients and comes with many different health benefits, so you don’t have to worry about that.

In addition, individuals who consume avocado regularly are much healthier and fit; maintain adequate nutrient intake and they also have lower BMI compared to individuals who avoid avocado. This fact was confirmed by several scientific studies.

Health Benefits of Eating Avocado

As we have already mentioned, avocado brings us many different health benefits and we will highlight the 15 most important health benefits of eating an avocado.

1. A Rich Source of Healthy Fats

Avocado contains a surprisingly high amount of fats, but in this case, we are talking about good fats like monounsaturated fat. This fat has the ability to decrease the chances of experiencing a heart attack or stroke and lowers the levels of harmful cholesterol in the system.

2. Weight loss

Eating avocado regularly can also support the process of losing weight. A scientific study released in the reputable Nutritional Journal shows that eating only half of an average avocado together with lunch aid people who are overweight to avoid food cravings for a very long period of time after they have finished their lunch.

The same study has confirmed that people felt around 40% less need to eat in the next three hours and 30% less need in a period of five hours. What is even better is that they were not thinking about snacks at all.

3. Stabilize Blood Pressure

According to AHA (The American Heart Association), potassium is a mineral that can lower the impact of sodium on bodily systems which means that eating potassium-rich foods as part of your regular diet will help you stabilize blood pressure.

It turns out that avocados are rich in potassium too. One average avocado has about 30% of the daily recommended intake of potassium. Of course, we should not forget that avocados are packed with fat, so try to avoid taking other foods that are rich in fat.

4. Reduce Cholesterol

According to the official statistics, about 30% of adult Americans are dealing with high cholesterol. This means that there are a lot of Americans who have greater chances to develop heart disease. Luckily, there are several completely natural methods that can help people stabilize their cholesterol levels.

Several scientific studies have confirmed that taking avocados on a regular basis can help people reduce cholesterol. This fruit is able to lower cholesterol levels drastically. In addition, they can reduce LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and improve the levels of LDL cholesterol (good cholesterol) while reducing blood triglycerides.

5. Packed with Nutrients

Avocados are packed with nutrients. Each serving comes with about 20 different minerals and vitamins.

When it comes to Recommended Daily Intake, an average avocado contains:

  • Vitamin B6 – 26%
  • Folate – 41 %
  • Vitamin C – 33%
  • Vitamin K – 53%
  • Vitamin E – 21%
  • Potassium – 28%
  • Copper – 19%
  • Pantothenic Acid – 28%

6. Support Proper Nutrient Absorption and Use

There is only a small number of people who are aware of the fact that it doesn’t really matter how much minerals, vitamins, and other types of nutrients we consume. What matters is how successfully our body absorbs these nutrients. For example, there are nutrients that are fat-soluble which means that our body can process them properly only if they are taken together with fat. Good examples of nutrients like this are vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin K and vitamin E, and a few different types of antioxidants.

Using only half of the average avocado in a salad made of carrots, lettuce and spinach will help your body absorb lutein 4 times better, beta-carotene 13 times better, and alpha-carotene antioxidant 8 times better.

7. Protect Against Diabetes

According to CDCP (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), it is very likely that 4 out of 10 Americans will experience diabetes problems in their lives. This means that it is crucial for every individual to stabilize blood sugar levels because in this way the chances of developing diabetes are much lower.

Avocado is one of the best fruits for this purpose. A scientific study conducted not while ago included individuals who have taken half an average avocado together with their lunch and once they were finished their blood sugar levels were measured a few times during the day.

Even though they have eaten avocado which means they have increased calorie and carbs intake, the people who were part of this study have not experienced changes in their blood sugar levels. On the other hand, people who were following the same diet without avocado have dealt with increased levels of blood sugar.

8. Soothe Pain

The extract of this fruit is able to lower the signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis or arthritis of the bones. Avocado has strong anti-inflammatory properties which means that it can ease pains and aches from other types of inflammation too.

9. Reduce and Eliminate Inflammation

Many experts claim that chronic inflammation in any body part leads to a wide range of diseases like arthritis, allergies, asthma, cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Avocado contains oleic acid, a type of monounsaturated fat that is usually found in olive oil. Numerous scientific studies have confirmed the efficiency of oleic acid against inflammation.

10. Good eyesight

Both zeaxanthin and lutein are very helpful when it comes to eliminating macular degeneration which is one of the main reasons for the occurrence of blindness in men and women. Foods that are packed with phytonutrients contain high quantities of these nutrients.

Avocado is listed as one of the richest sources of lutein and it also contains a solid amount of zeaxanthin.

11. Helpful for Pregnant Women

What to Expect magazine says that avocados are very helpful for women who are expecting a baby. The reason is simple – this fruit is rich in potassium, folate, vitamin B6, and vitamin C. it is good to point out that vitamin B6 supports the formation of brain growth of the fetus and soothes morning sickness in future moms. On the other hand, folate is crucial for the proper development of the fetus.

12. Fight Cancer

More than one scientific study has shown that avocado brings benefits to people who are dealing with cancer.

One of these studies has confirmed that the extract of this fruit may completely stop or at least slow down the growth rate of prostate cancer cells. In addition, another study has confirmed that avocado extract may ease the side effects of chemo. Keep in mind that these studies are just early indicators, so don’t expect too much.

13. Healthy Bones

These fruits are loaded with nutrients that are good for our bones. Some of these nutrients include folate, copper and vitamin K. Taking avocado on a regular basis can help people maintain the strength and density of bones. If you want to enhance the effects, eat avocado together with other veggies and fruits.

14. Enhance Digestion

In order to help the work of our digestive system, we must consume a sufficient amount of fiber. So, eat more avocados because only one avocado comes with 13 grams of fiber which is about half of the daily recommended intake.

15. Boost Your Mood

As we all know, minerals and vitamins (especially folate and potassium) have the ability to boost our mood and this is how avocado can help you. Some scientific studies have shown that there is a connection between the insufficient amount of potassium in the body and depression. The analysis of a few studies focused on the link between potassium, magnesium, and sodium in patients suffering from depression has shown that both women and men dealing with depression had very low potassium levels.

Finally, a study conducted 12 years ago has shown the same thing – people suffering from depression had low potassium levels. Scientists have confirmed the fact that folate is great for the elimination of bad moods, anxiety, and depression.


Via Natural Living Ideas | Prevention | Naturalnews | Healthy Food House | Music Source: Medical News Today

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