5 Doctors Dead or Missing After Discovering THIS About Vaccines

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In a world of rapid growth and improvement, many life-changing discoveries take place on a daily basis. Science is encouraged to achieve brand new successes in terms of human health and interest.

So, This is The Way It Goes…

A certain discovery is accepted and praised if only it fits in the medical industry and business. If it fails to achieve this, it is usually unaccepted or even derided. Such a story involves a few doctors, and their families, who experienced a really bad fate after they discovered a certain relationship between vaccines and cancer.

A few years ago, there were six cases of doctors who analyzed the safety of vaccines and then have been missing or even killed with no more than a month between each case.

First, on June 19th, 2015, Dr. Bradstreet was killed by a single gunshot in his chest. After he was found, his death was declared as a manner of suicide even though he did not show any tendency for suicide among his family. After two days, there were two new cases of suspicious murders. Dr. Hedendal and Dr. Holt were found dead and the real truth about their death is still not known.

The fourth case reported was about Dr. Theresa Sievers, usually referred to as Mother Teresa from South Florida. She was found dead in her home on June 29th, 2015. As in the previous ones, this is a case of typically targeted murder. The fifth reported case was about Dr. Whiteside who did not come home after he was out walking.

The last sixth case was Dr. Fitzpatrick who vanished on July 3rd during his travel from North Dakota to Montana. The police have found his truck but there is no trace of him until now. The disruptive potential of their discoveries has something with their murder.

According to the Bid Riddle, these doctors were about to spread the news about the presence of nagalese in the vaccines. Although they did not achieve that, Dr. Ted Broer did it for them. After trying to broadcast to air for an hour, he finally warned the listeners that he was not suicidal in any way.

He made the people aware of the tragic destiny of his colleagues as a result of their discoveries and he only wanted the listeners to know that if something happens to him they would be aware of the right reason for that. It won’t be his choice and there would be something lurking in the darkness.

Via Politi Gact

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