5 Metabolism-Boosting Tricks That Work for Life

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Good news ladies and gentlemen! The following 5 tried-and-true tips we present you will boost your calorie burning throughout the whole day and night.

Use the advantages of some or all of these simple power-up tricks.

1. Don’t Sit Still

Instead of sitting still, do non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT) which includes activities such as standing up, fidgeting, chewing gum etc.

These were proven to help burn an additional 300 to 2,000 calories a day.

2. Drink Green Tea

According to many studies, green tea increases the rate of metabolism by 4-5%. Become a fan of this tea, since it contains just two calories per cup, of course without sweetener.

3. Drink Plenty of Water

According to one German study, drinking 2 8-ounce glasses of water enhanced the calorie burning by 30% in just 10 minutes, while the effect lasted over an hour.

4. Vitamin C

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, so add some in your water or tea. Researchers from Arizona State University discovered that exercises without enough vitamin C, can burn 25% less calories during a workout.

5. Laugh

The International Journal of Obesity published a study which says that laughing causes small increase in the process of burning calories.

We did the math for you: 15 minutes of laughing burns up to 40 calories!

Via News Health

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