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What is the #1 Anti-inflammatory Food?
There are many benefits of drinking Purple Corn Juice. The juice is turning out to be one of the healthiest foods in the world. Purple corn is related to blue corn and it is available in the country.
The corn purple color is synthesized by its high quantity of anthocyanins, another name is flavonoids, and it’s responsible for its health benefits.
Benefits of Drinking Purple Corn Juice
1. Antioxidants
Nutrition and food experts say that natural crops that are colored with deep purple have several amounts of antioxidants, Anthocyanins, to be precise. The anthocyanin is the most powerful antioxidant discovered in the nutritional word. The more the purple color in a food, the more the powerful is. Therefore, purple corn is the most powerful food in the world.
2. Anti-Diabetic
The anthocyanin of purple corn juice strengthens the glandular system that affects the pancreas and how it secretes the insulin. The anthocyanin also keeps fats storage at normal rate therefore reducing obesity. Less fats and normal body weight reduces the chances of increased blood sugar levels. Many people died due to diabetes, therefore, one should be drinking Purple Corn Juice to Instiks.
3. Anti-Cancer
Since the purple corn juice is rich in antioxidant content, it will act as a protector and a remedy against cancer. The antioxidants help in halting tumor, cancer growth and kill cancer cells due to its combination of anthocyanin, Vitamin C and E.
Anthocyanin helps also in keeping off electrons to free radicals that don’t have them. It also neutralizes and makes the electrons harmless. The more the anthocyanin that is contained in the body, the better the disarming of the free radical. The radicals can destroy cells and the immune system.
4. Anti-inflammatory
A research had been conducted and it is proven as an anti-inflammatory response of C3G. The response is believed to be inherent from anthocyanins.
5. Blood pressure
If high blood pressure is not treated, it can lead to heart disease, memory loss, vision loss, stroke, and kidney damage. A report from the “Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology” states that purple corn anthocyanins lower the high blood pressure.
6. Anti-aging
Since purple corn gives collagen health and it has a super Vitamin E, it will definitely delay aging. The most important is that it gives energy and vigor and thus you can enjoy life, hence delaying aging. The purple corn enables the body to reproduce new and healthier cells.
7. Inhibits Diabetic Kidney Damage
The purple corn reduces inflammation and this plays an important role in the onset and progression of diabetic kidney damage.
The Purple Corn Juice Recipe
Ingredients:1 cup of fruit (fresh)½ cup lime juice (fresh)2 cloves2 cinnamon sticks1 gallon of water¼ lb. of corn kernels or 1 lb. of corn cobs (purple)Sweetener (True Blue Agave or Yacon Syrup)Directions:To prepare your own purple corn juice, fill a pot with the kernels and add 1 gallon of water.Add cinnamon sticks and cloves, stock overnight or for a faster recipe, boil the water over a high heat.After that, cover the pot and simmer it overnight. The content will turn to an eggplant, cool purple color.Pour the content into a container, and then fill the pot with water again and cook it over low heat.Then after an hour, pour the mixture into the same container.Squeeze a half cup of fresh limes into the liquid and let it cool down.Put it into a fridge.
Relax for a whole week and enjoy taking your homemade Purple corn juice.
Sources: Purple Corn Benefits | Health Digezt | Blog spot | PubMED