A Dead Bat Found Inside Popular Packaged Food

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The Fresh Express issued a recall after two people discovered a dead bat inside a container of a packaged salad. The Walmart stores sold this particular type of salad, called the Organic Marketside Spring Mix.

While eating the Organic Spring Mix, these customers found the remains of a dead bat just below the top layer of the leaves.

Walmart had to recall a 5-ounce container of Organic Marketside Spring Mix. The containers had an expiration date of April 14, 2017 and a production code D089B19.

Further Laboratory Testing

The bat was sent to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention for rabies testing. This is because the bats can sometimes carry some serious diseases. However, as a result of the decomposed state of the bat, it was nearly impossible to determine whether it has rabies.

Also, the customers who ate the salad did some medical checkups for prevention. It turned out that they were in good health and did not show any signs of rabies.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention claims that it is very uncommon to contact rabies after eating a rabid animal. This is because the virus cannot survive for long period outside an infected animal.

The salad contained the Brazilian free-tailed bat, a type of bat usually found throughout much of Mexico, the United States, South America and Central America.

The agency points out the fact that there were no similar reports of bat remains in packaged salads until now. Although rare, it is possible for a bat to end up into a final product during the process of manufacturing.

For caution all the packaged salads manufactured in the same production run were recalled.

They was only a distribution of these salads to the Walmart stores in the Southeast. Just to point out, the recall affected only the Organic Marketside Spring Mix salads and no other types.

Source Shared | BDOImage Source Cosmopolitan

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