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It seems that aluminum foil is an excellent way to treat numerous diseases. So, if you are experiencing knee, Medical News Today, heel, back and shoulders pain, try aluminum foil. Only one small piece of this foil found in almost every household placed on the problematic area can eliminate pain.
The reason is simple – the energy that we naturally have in our body, goes from the active point to the meridian where it actually originates from. These so-called biological streams go throughout our bodies straight to the bio-active point where they reflect and go back to the meridian where they are released. In this way, we can positively affect out body part connected to this meridian. Health problems can be easily removed.
How To Use Aluminum Foil for Pain
Cut a piece of aluminum foil and put it on the sore place. Use some bandage or plaster to stabilize it (without it, the foil will probably fall off). This natural treatment should be performed for up to 12 days (at least 10) and it the foil must be in place for 24 hours. Once 12 days pass, take a break of two weeks and do this procedure once again if required.
You can use this foil on your back, joints, arms, neck in cases of cervical osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, heel spur, cold, gout, postoperative scarring and salt deposits.
In addition, you can also use between five and seven layers of foil on your feet. But, remember to place cotton or paper between each layer. Leave the layers of foil for about 60 minutes. After that, remove them and place them again after two hours (once again leave them for one hour). Next, take another break and place them for the 3rd and last time. Perform this procedure for seven days.
According to A.S. Skvortsov, a famous Russian scientist, the unique resources in the body related to structuring energy are used when the healing process begins as ingredients/products found in aluminum foil. In addition, every organism comes with a unique stem cell that is constantly connected to the energy field of our planet. There are many reasons why this energy is sometimes distorted and this is a situation that affects the supply of proper quantities of energy to the unique stem cells. With the help of aluminum foil we can reflect our planet’s energy field.