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ADEM, or acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, is an extremely rare neuro-immune disease, so its exact cause is still unclear. According to experts, this disorder happens due to inflammation of the electromagnetic coating which protects brain nerves and spinal cord – myelin sheath.
About half of those suffering from ADEM are struck while having an existing viral or bacterial infection. The Cleveland Neurological Institute reports that this neuro-immune disorder can sometimes happen after getting a vaccine, most often the MMR vaccine.
But, in rare cases, ADEM can also be caused by a flu shot, as stated by the National Vaccine Injury Lawyer Snopes.
The Story of Marysue Grivna
The 9-year-old Marysue Grivna was a vivacious little girl from Tampa, Florida. Days after getting her seasonal flu shot on November 20, 2013, she first became limp, and then paralyzed. Reporters from Natural News say she became confined to a hospital bed/wheelchair, nonverbal, and eating through a g-tube.
This rare auto-immune disorder is explained as a consequence of the immune system attacking its brain tissue by mistake when reacting to an infection or vaccination.
What’s more, the pharmaceutical manufacturers are not responsible for any damages, and their vaccines are protected, as reported by the TV host Nancy Grace. In the 70s and 80s, many families received big payouts due to vaccine damage, especially from DPT – diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus.
But, many pharmaceutical companies stopped manufacturing vaccines as a result of the successful lawsuits. So, in 1986 Congress created the NVICP – National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and removed any liability from Big Pharma. Families like Marysue Grivna’s parents must go through NVICP to apply for compensation, and they first have to file “a claim with the U.S. Court of Claims.”
So far, there have been more than 17,000 petitions, 10,000 cases dismissed, 14 000 adjudicated, and only 4687 cases compensated for their vaccine injury. The total sum paid to the vaccine injury victims since 1988 is $3.3 billion. But, what about the billions made by pharmaceutical manufacturers on vaccine use throughout the entire Planet?
The family of the little Marysue is not one of the families who got compensated for their daughter’s tragedy, and even today, after 3 years of the tragedy, they still believe the vaccine has caused Marysue’s suffering. This vivacious girl once spoke two languages, laughed, played, and was full of life. Today, she is completely dependent, living in diapers and fed with a feeding tube.
Her devoted relatives are still raising funds to get her a new electric wheelchair, accessible bedroom, and bathroom. Her parents utilize a rehab facility in their area for a few hours a day, but refuse to put her in long-term rehabilitation.
Her father Steven needs surgery for his neck problems, but he puts everything on hold to take care of Marysue, being her primary caregiver while Carla, Marysue’s mother, works outside the home.
Via Snopes | News Target | Myelitis