An Ancient Drink That Helps Alkalize and Detox the Body

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This year, the Nabeez drink is very popular, and this drink was the favorite of the Prophet Muhammad. The recipe drew a lot of attention because of its benefits.

People used to steep grapes in the early morning and drank the raisins in the evening.

Then, they steeped in the evening and drank in the morning. Also, they are steeped only in skin vessels and not in an earthen jar because they will get vinegar.

If anything was left out, they pour it out. Here’s how to prepare and why you should use the unique Nabeez drink.

Nabeez Recipe

Note: Use either raisins or dates, but not the 2 ingredients in combination.

  • Take a handful of raisins or 6 to 7 dates (Ajwa);
  • You will need 6 to 8 oz of water;
  • Next, after the Isha prayer time, take the raisins or dates and put them in the water;
  • Let it soak overnight till the Fajr. Make sure to be at room temperature;
  • Remove the ingredient you added and drink the water.

Remember not to leave it to soak for more than 2 or 3 days because that might cause the process of alcohol brewing. You can serve Nabeez to guests instead of tea.

Nabeez and Its Importance

This is a great drink to consume during the suhoor as a pre-dawn meal. It is an alkalizing tonic that eliminates acidity and is crucial to your digestive system because it removes the metabolic wastes from your body.

It can improve digestion because the ingredients have a high amount of fiber that is soluble. Furthermore, it can enhance the memory of respondents.

And also with the consumption of this drink, you can improve the functions of the organs like the spleen, prostate, liver, throat, and chest.

Source Astro Awani


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