Can’t Fall Asleep? This Homemade ”Sleepy Dust” Will Cure Insomnia Forever!

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Unfortunately, most of us have experienced situations in which we woke up at night and we were not able to continue sleeping. A scientific study conducted not while ago has shown that more than 40% of Americans have sleeping problems including waking up at night.

One of the main reasons that lead to this problem is stress. While people are sleeping, the body experiences an intense biochemical reaction between stress hormones. In case you are dealing with insomnia, you should try this natural remedy to get rid of this problem.

This remedy consists of only two commonly found ingredients that are able to ease this natural biochemical reaction.

Sleepy Dust Recipe

Ingredients:Two tablespoons of cane sugarTwo tablespoons of pink Himalayan sea saltFive tablespoons of honeyPreparation:

Take these two ingredients and mix them well. Put the mixture right under your tongue in case you can’t fall asleep or have some sleeping issues. So, keep this mixture close to you. Keep taking this mixture until you notice that the sleeping difficulties are gone.

Unfortunately, only a small number of people know how useful sugar and salt are when it comes to metabolism, cell energy production and handling stress. Salt and sugar are supplying the cells.

Sodium found in the intercellular fluids leads to adequate respiration and production of energy while glucose serves as natural fuel for our mitochondria.

In addition, sugar sends a message to the body to stop producing hormones of stress while the salt maintains proper homeostatic state that help the body manage adrenaline.

Finally, sugar doesn’t lead to hyperactivity.

Via Two Eggz

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