Cure Your Thyroid Gland with Just One Ingredient!

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The thyroid gland is an endocrine gland with a butterfly-shape that lies in the base of the neck. It has a very important role in the organism because it releases two hormones that affect the whole metabolism.

It secretes thyroxine, thyroid most important hormone which affects almost all of the body systems and triiodothyronine. Triiodothyronine is the second thyroid hormone that affects almost every physiological process in the body such as body temperature, growth, metabolism and heart rate.

You can easily locate this gland. It lies in front of your neck below the Adam’s apple and the top of your breastbone.

Two main kinds of thyroid disorder:

1. Hyperthyroidism is a condition when the thyroid gland is overactive and produces an excessive amount of thyroid hormones. Here are the most common symptoms of this condition:

Weight lossFeeling hotSweatingFatigueForgetfulnessSleeping difficultiesChange in the bowel habitsDifficulty focusing on one taskIncreased heart ratePalpitationsAnxiety and irritabilityMenstrual problemsRacing thoughts

2. Hypothyroidism is the condition when the thyroid gland is underactive and the body lacks sufficient thyroid hormone. These are the most common symptoms:

Weight gainConstipationFatigueDry skin and hairMuscle crampsDepressionBrittle nailsSwelling in the front part of the neckForgetfulnessDecreased menstrual flow

However, there is a completely natural remedy that can maintain the optimal function of the thyroid gland. When the malfunction is a result of iodine deficiency, you can treat with this natural remedy.


You need:

1kg organic honey40 pieces of young green walnuts1 large or several small jars

Method of preparation:

First, clean the walnuts completely, dry and prick them with some sharp object or a needle. Put them in a jar and fill the jar with honey. Place the jar at a place that is open and exposed to sunlight. Let it stay like that for 40 days. After that, store it in a glass bottle.


Eat regularly two tablespoons of this mixture in the morning and in the evening.

Via Ghana Guardian

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