Defeat Cough and Bronchitis in No Time by Mixing Water and Bananas

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Here’s an incredible healthy recipe which can be used as a natural remedy. It is very efficient in cases of persistent cough and bronchitis and this is something that was confirmed with different test. In addition, this easy-to-prepare and tasty recipe can do wonders for your stomach too.

Water and Bananas Natural Remedy Recipe

This natural remedy provides positive effects for both children and adults, so in case you or your children are experiencing a sore throat or a cough make sure to make this incredible natural remedy.

Ingredients:400 milliliters (about 1.5 cup) of boiling waterTwo bananas. Remember that bananas with dots are the best.Two tablespoons of honey or raw sugar. Pour the honey once the mixture is cooled in order to keep the nutrients found in honey because the hot water will destroy them.Instructions:

Remove the bark and mash the bananas with the help of a fork.

Take a wooden or plastic fork to avoid the darkening of this fruit.

Pour the honey when the mixture gets cold or add sugar whenever you want.

Pour the water to the bananas and cover them. Wait for about half an hour.

In addition, you can strain this mixture with a plastic strainer if you want to.

How to use this healthy remedy?

You must make a new remedy each day.

Before you eat the mixture, heat it.

Take this mixture four times a day and take about 100 milliliters (about 1/2 cup) each time.

After a few days, the persistent and annoying cough will be eliminated.

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