Detox Drink to Kill Fat, Diabetes and Blood Pressure

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This drink can not only cleanse your body of toxins, but it can also boost your metabolism, reduce your blood pressure, burn extra fat, and what’s most important, fight diabetes. The incredible health benefits of this detox drink are due to its natural ingredients which have powerful effects on our overall health.

One of the ingredients is cinnamon, which has been proven to be helpful in the treatment of diabetes and cholesterol, as well as in the process of weight loss. The participants in one study consumed 1-6 grams of cinnamon a day (1 gram is about half a ½ a teaspoon), for a period of 40 days.

The results showed that all participants had improved levels of blood sugar and cholesterol. More exactly, their blood sugar levels were reduced by 24 percent, while their cholesterol was reduced by 18 percent.

However, experts warn that people with liver disease should avoid cinnamon.

Another ingredient that helps the treatment of diabetes is apple cider vinegar. It was shown that it can lower the blood sugar surge in diabetics by 25-50 %, and improve the insulin sensitivity in those with insulin resistance by 19-34%.

But this vinegar can also help the weight loss process and the treatment of hypertension. Thanks to its acetic acid content, apple cider vinegar can reduce high levels of blood pressure. One study has found that acetic acid reduces the activity of the enzyme which helps regulate blood pressure, called renin.

When it comes to weight loss and fat burn, apple cider vinegar is one of the most known ingredients to help you achieve that. This is due to the high amount of pectin it contains, which suppresses the appetite and keeps you full for longer.

Here’s how to prepare this incredible drink that will improve your health and body in so many ways.


2 tbsp. of apple cider vinegar;1 tsp. of cinnamon;2 tbsp. of freshly squeezed lemon juice;1 tbsp. of raw honey;12 to 16 oz of water (or one glass).


Just mix all ingredients in a blender until you get a smooth consistency, as shown in the video below. Consume it on the same day.

Via Majic | WebMD | Majic

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