In case you want to remember how it feels to be young, there is no better idea than to start following a healthy lifestyle – practicing a natural and healthy diet and being physically active. But have you ever wondered whether it is possible to think younger?
The human brain is incredibly flexible and the growth of brand-new brain cells doesn’t stop even when we become adults.
Yet, just like any other organ in our body, our brain eventually experiences the negative effects of the natural process of aging.
Once people reach a certain age they start dealing with memory problems and other cognitive issues.
Numerous scientific studies were able to determine the physical modifications in the brain of older men and women like the quantity of white and grey matter with the help of brain scans.
So, can people slow down the aging of their brain and make it work as this organ worked in the past?
A scientific study conducted not a while ago has revealed some amazing results.
It turns out that regular meditation practice can do wonders for our brain health.
Scientists have used special computer software in order to assess the “age of the brains” of a group of people who were practicing meditation regularly and compared to a group of people who have never practiced meditation and determined that regular meditators’ brains work like they were at least seven and a half years younger on average compared to non-meditators.
This information was revealed in the blog section of the popular British Psychological Society Research Digest website.
It is interesting that the difference was increasing with the age of the people who were examined. The older people who were meditating had especially well-protected brains which means that meditation keeps us safe from brain cell loss which is typical for the process of aging.
Of course, even though this research is interesting, the results are just preliminary. In other words, it is possible that the people who were part of this study and who were meditating regularly were doing some other things that kept their memory and cognitive functions in good shape.
It is also possible that people whose brains are aging slowly are actually fond of meditating. Regardless of the answer, there is sufficient evidence that should make any individual try mindfulness practice.
Of course, this is just another benefit of the many known and proven benefits of meditating. In addition to the best-known advantage of meditation – relieving stress, meditation was also linked to increased creativity and success at work.
There are certainly scientific studies that suggest that meditation has the ability to ease hypertension and boost the immune system. Try meditation today and check the results!
Via Ladders | Web MD | Web MD