Do You Have Excess Fat On Your Stomach? Here`s How To Remove It

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One of the greatest difficulties that people face is the elimination of abdominal fat. There are different number of diets, exercises and products for weight loss that promise very quick and effective way of getting rid of belly fat. Although promising, it does not mean they are completely effective and give the needed results.

Here, you can find another distinctive method of losing weight without taking supplements, sit-ups or surgery. You just need to follow these advises:

1. Avoid Crunches

What they are good for is building your abdominal muscles but not for losing your belly fat. In addition, they can lead to slouching shoulders, lower back pain and forward head posture.

2. Strength-training

Something  that will help you to prevent muscle loss, to build muscle mass and in the same time to stimulate weight loss are the strength-training strategies. The most suitable for this are the squat and dead lift because they activate the lower back, abdomen muscles as well as all the body muscles.

They are important strategies that will help you decrease your waist size and in the same time strengthen the abdominal muscles.

3. Healthy Food

To decrease your waist-size you should include food containing more proteins, fruits, vegetables, fats, carbohydrates and avoid eating processed food. Eating 4 junk meals a week, while you have 6 meals a day, will balance your hormones and help you get rid of your belly fat.

Via Healthy Life Star

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