Do You Keep Seeing This Unusual Number?

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Do you remember you used to make a wish whenever you saw the numbers on your clock 11:11?

Or maybe you still have this habit. It’s the only time in the day all of these four numbers are the same (on a 12-hour clock).

But where does this belief come from, and should we continue making wishes or we shouldn’t have bothered doing this at all? What’s the significance and what makes 11:11 to be such an important time?

The Phenomenon

The topic of 11:11 seems to be everywhere, even in movies. The 2014 movie “I Origins” deals with a highly scientific man who starts noticing 11:11 in various places and he follows these numbers until he meets a very spiritual woman and their personalities collide. This movie really makes the audience think. But anyway, back to 11:11.

So why do many people see these numbers right now? Is it a biological thing that we look at the clock exactly at this time?

But what about when we constantly see these numbers even on clocks that aren’t synchronized with other clocks?

Some people claim they noticed some kind of spiritual connotation with these numbers.

They say they have periods when they see 11:11 on the clock twice a day for about a month, and then periods when they barely see it.  But does this mean that during the time of seeing these numbers you are more enlightened, or there’s some more complex explanation behind this?

Theories behind 11:11

There are various theories about the meaning of this phenomenon but the most common one is to make a wish when you see 11:11 because it will come true. There’s a belief that some kind of window is opening up in a person’s life whenever she/he sees these numbers on a clock, for which she/he should ask her/his angles for guidance to discover what that is.

Others believe that at that very moment something significant is happening and they should pay more attention to see what’s happening in their surroundings. Another interesting theory is that when you see these numbers on the clock, you should just stop and recognize the importance of the moment.

Many people believe that whenever you see 11:11, no matter if it’s on a clock, your bank statement, or a license plate, you should perceive it as a little sign from your higher self, soul, source, God, or whatever you choose to call it, the entire Universe, that everything is as it should be, and that you are where you are supposed to be, right here and right now.

As numerology explains, the number 11 is idealistic and has the qualities of honesty, intuition, patience, sensitivity, and spirituality. Some websites say that 11:11 can be seen as a glitch in the matrix when the spirit world can communicate with us.

As you can see there are many theories about this phenomenon, but everyone should choose the right one for themselves. We only know that people get a smile on their faces whenever they see 11:11 on their clocks.

Via Loner Wolf | Steve Pavlina | Wave 11:11 | Loner Wolf

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