Eat More Red Onions to Get Rid of Cancer Cells, Stop Nose Bleeding and Protect Your Heart

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Onion VS Pineapple?
What is the #1 Anti-inflammatory Food?

You can either love red onion, or hate it because of the smell. Nevertheless, the health benefits it offers are incredible.

Cooking kills its healing compounds, so the best thing is to eat it raw. You can combine it with numerous foods, or use it as a side dish for lunch.

[thrive_link color=’green’ link=’’ target=’_new’ size=’medium’ align=’aligncenter’]Here’s How Red Onion Can Help Fix Your Thyroid Issues[/thrive_link]

7 Health Benefits of Red Onion

1. Stops Cancer Cell Growth

It contains abundance of sulfur compounds which help prevent the development of ulcers and cancer cells. They also destroy bacteria in the urinary tract.

2. Regulates Diabetes

Raw red onion stimulates the production of insulin. Diabetics are highly recommended to consume this vegetable.

3. Cures constipation

The fiber content in red onion forces the toxins out of the intestines, thus curing your constipation. Try eating one raw onion daily with your meal.

4. Treats Sore Throat

You can successfully treat your sore throat and other symptoms of cold by consuming the traditional onion juice.

5. Nose Bleeds

You can also use red onion to stop the nose bleeding. Just place a slice of onion, or a cotton ball soaked in onion juice, directly under your nostrils, and the onion fumes will help to clot the blood.

6. Heart Health

Red onions reduce the high blood pressure, and protect from coronary disease, thus protecting the heart health.

7. Controls Levels of Cholesterol

This vegetable regulates the levels of cholesterol by reducing the LDL, bad cholesterol.

Via Mirror

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