Eat Raw Hemp Seeds Every Day and These Things Can Happen

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Hemp is among one of the first plants to be domesticated. It has been grown by humans for more than 12 millennia.

Although hemp is closely related to the Cannabis herb (which is also referred as marijuana), it doesn’t have the medicinal or psychoactive properties of Cannabis.

This is a tall and crude-looking plant that is known for its rich fiber. It is refined into wax, resin, fuel, hemp oil, and even paper is made from it. Even the seeds are full of high amount of nutritional value.

As per Hemp Facts, France is the No.1 producer of hemp (where 70% of all the hemp is produced). China is a distant second with around 25% of the world’s hemp production. Other small producers are Europe, North Korea and Chile.

There are more than 30 nations where industrial hemp is produced. This includes the UK, Canada, Australia, Denmark, Germany, India, Finland, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Japan, Poland, New Zealand, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Egypt, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, Thailand, Switzerland, and Slovenia.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, there is no information about the potential for hemp seeds in the market. But it is expected to remain small just like in the case of poppy and sesame seeds.

Take Raw Hemp Seeds Every Day of your Life

Hemp seeds are considered to be your comprehensive source of protein. They also contain antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and essential fatty acids.

Nutritional Facts of Hemp seeds

4 full tbsp of Shelled Hemp Seed give you 240 calories and the following nutrients:

Proteins – 15 gramsOmega 3 – 3.6 gramsOmega 6 – 11.4 gramsSaturated fats – 2.1 gramsPolyunsaturated fats – 15 gramsMono-unsaturated fats – 2.7 gramsCarbs – 4.5 gramsFibers – 2.5 gramsCalcium – 31 mgIron – 2 mgSodium & potassium – 3.8 mg eachVitamin A – 1.68 IUVitamin B1 – .58 mgVitamin B2 – .14 mgVitamin B6 – .05 mgVitamin C – .42 mgVitamin D – 956 IUVitamin E – 3.8 mg

Health Benefits of Hemp Seeds

The higher amount of vitamins, antioxidants, trace minerals, and amino acids in hemp seeds are beneficial for our brain. They help our cells by preventing damage to mitochondria and cells from harmful free radicals.

Vitamin A

Promotes healthy visionStronger immunityImproved cell growthPreventing dry eyesFighting certain forms of leukemiaMaintaining healthier bones and teethPreventing urinary stonesPromoting healthier skinPromoting healthier reproductive system in men and women

Vitamin C

This antioxidant helps in:

Lowering blood pressureLowering levels of lead in bloodPromoting healthy eye functionStrengthening immunityWorking as natural antihistamine

Vitamin E

This is also a strong antioxidant that helps:

Protect against cell damagePromotes healthier skinPromotes healthier eyesStrengthens immunity

Vitamin B1

Thiamine or vitamin B1 helps with the following:

Helping our body create healthier new cellsProtecting immune systemPlays crucial role in breaking down simple carbs

Vitamin B2

Riboflavin or vitamin B2 is also an antioxidant. It helps in following ways:

Fighting free radicals that cause damage to cellsPreventing untimely aging and heart diseaseHelping in production of red blood cells, which are required for carrying oxygen in the bodyPreventing migraines (according to many studies)

Vitamin B6

Pyridoxine or vitamin B6 can help in the following ways:

Regulation of amino acid homocysteine levels (related to heart disease)Reducing inflammation in those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis

Vitamin B6 may affect sleep patterns and mood because it promotes production of serotonin, norepinephrine and melatonin which are stress hormones.

Vitamin D

Maintaining healthy levels of phosphorus and calcium in the bloodHelping in the absorption of calciumProtecting from osteoporosis, cancer, high blood pressure and other diseases

We need polyunsaturated fats (healthy fats) like omega 3 and omega 6.

Omega 3

Helps minimizes the chances of heart diseaseReduces risk of cancerReduces chances of autoimmune disordersReduces chances of arthritisReduces risk of inflammatory disorders

Omega 6

Regulating blood pressureControlling inflammationStrengthening immune systemRegulating blood clottingImproving brain function


Helps promote healthy heartRegulates blood sugarReduces chances of strokeHelps with weight management and weight lossHelps eliminate fungus and yeast from our bodyMinimizes chances of diverticulitisMinimizes chances of hemorrhoidsGives relief from IBSMinimizes chances of kidney and gallbladder stones


Regulation of melatonin hormone for improving sleepRelaxing nervous systemImproving energy storage in cellsPromoting production of Insulin such as Growth Factor (The IGF-1 promotes growth and muscular strength)Improving flexibilityPromoting bone strength and integrityRe-mineralizing teethAlkalizing bodyHydrating bodyProviding relief from constipationAssisting with diabetesAssisting with enzyme function


Maintaining heart rhythmMaintaining muscular functionPotentially preventing and controlling high blood pressureReducing PMS systemsPreventing some types of cancersStudies indicate calcium and vitamin D helping in protecting from breast cancer (in case of premenopausal women)


Supports oxygen transport through bodyMaintaining health of blood cells


Essential for formation of teeth and bone (almost 50% of most bones in body are made from phosphate)Supports digestion of niacin and riboflavinSupports in transmitting nerve impulsesSupports kidneys in excreting wasteProvides energyCreates proteins needed for reproductionPotentially blocks cancerMaintaining fluids and tissues

How To Include Hemp Seeds In Our Food?

You can add hemp seeds as the perfect alternative for dairy foods. Both hemp ice cream and milk are full of nutrients found in hemp seeds. They don’t cause protein irritation as found in cow milk.Include hemp seeds in baked foods and breakfast. Add a handful of the seeds in breads, cookies and batter of muffins. They have a natural nutty flavor and can be used in recipes that require other nuts.Sprinkle some hemp seeds on your salads for boosting their nutritional value.Blend 1tbsp of hemp seed along with your smoothie to add more nutrition (it will not interfere with the flavor).Prepare superfood vegan pesto using hemp seeds. You can use it with your gluten-free pasta. You will find it to be delicious if used as a pizza base compared to tomato sauce.

Via Royal Queen Seeds

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