Embarrassed of Farting? Read 8 Reasons Why You Should Not Be

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This is still a taboo topic, but after this article, you shall have a whole new perspective on things. Believe it or not, farting is actually an indicator of our well-being and it is a sign that our digestive system is healthy.

We fart about five to ten times on a daily basis. But, you should know that there are foods (complex carbohydrates) that make us fart more often.

They include wheat, oats, beans, and sweet potatoes. However, there are also foods (full of nutritional value) that cause even stronger odor.

8 Reasons Why Farting Won’t Be a Taboo for You Anymore

1. It Feels Good

Holding the gas can make you snappy and irritable. If you are in a public place, you can always excuse yourself to the bathroom and do it quietly.

We’ve all been in that situation, and it is not comfortable at all. Feel free to do it at least when you’re at home. It really does feel good.

2. It’s Bad for Your Gut

People that have problems with the guts must not withhold the intestinal gas.

Many people may not know this, but withholding gas aggravates hemorrhoids, which also counts for trying to control the way you are going to fart. The best approach is to let it out naturally.

3. Eases Abdominal Pain

Holding in can lead to intestinal distension that can hurt. So, bear in mind not to hold it in, especially in situations when you start to feel the pain which means you have a lot of gases.

To help move the gas through your system when you can’t but desperately need to fart, massage your stomach gently.

4. Farting Reduces Bloating

Do you feel that your pants are tight? Do you feel discomfort when you sit? Maybe you need to fart. Believe it or not, but gas in your gut is the most common reason for bloating.

5. Balances Your Diet

Farts can tell if your diet is balanced or imbalanced. We all handle food in a different way, and everyone has a different gut.

But, if you have an unpleasant, strong odor, it’s probably a result of consuming a lot of red meat. On the other hand, if you have bigger amounts of gas with a neutral odor, it’s likely due to complex carbohydrates.

6. Indicates Food Allergies

Food allergies lead to flatulence, like lactose intolerance and Coeliac Disease. If after consuming some foods you fart more, you should consult your doctor.

They can tell you whether you should avoid some food. You should do some simple tests, and that’s all.

7. Inhaling Farts Is Good for You

Yes, this is funny and silly and unbelievable, but it’s true. The University of Exeter made a study about it and found out that when exposed to hydrogen sulfide gas (gas produced during digestion) may actually protect us against mitochondrial damage.

In fact, it can also prevent arthritis, stroke, and heart disease.

8. Farts Speak for Our Health

By paying attention to your farts, you can take care of your health.  In fact, flatulence is a sign of health issues.

Do you feel pain? Does the odor change? Do you think it’s not related to the food you are consuming? If that is the case, then you must consult a doctor.

It is not taboo anymore, right? What’s more, there are ways you can reduce the gas you produce. You just need to limit dairy, eat slowly, avoid artificial sweeteners and carbonated drinks, and exercise.

On the other hand, if you think none of the above-mentioned reasons refers to you, farting is probably a sign that your digestive system is working just fine.

Source Remedy Daily | Medical News Today | Women’s Health Mag | WebMD | Women  | Huffington Post | Medical Daily; Image Source E Times

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