Guava Leaves Can Extremely 100% Stop Your Hair Loss and Make it Grow Like Crazy

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Guava leaves have been shown to be effective when used as an enhancing agent of platelets in patients with dengue fever. But what if they are also effective for preventing hair loss? Experts say that we can prevent hair loss by using guava leaves.

The main reason is its vitamin B content. We know that vitamin B is very important for hair health and fertility. How could we take advantage of guava leaves?

We only need to prepare a few pieces of guava leaves and boil them in 1 liter (0,25 gallons) of water.

Boil for approximately 20 minutes and once boiling, let cool the mixture at room temperature.

Use the mixture as a tonic and massage the tonic on your scalp. Scalp and hair roots will absorb tonic quickly.

After massaging, leave overnight and the next morning wash your hair as usual.

By doing this method on a daily basis then you can prevent hair loss more effectively. You will find the roots of your hair stronger.


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