He Hangs THIS Outside His Home and the Result is Amazing!

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The summer is here, as well as lots of natural vitamin D, great outdoor conversations, and the constant flies which can be really annoying. And not only that they are annoying, flies are extremely disgusting. One fly can contain over 200 forms of dangerous bacteria types.

These bacteria stick to the hairy legs of flies, and are immediately transferred to the food where the flies have landed on.Flies are not only a nuisance at every outside gathering, but they can as well make you sick. Fortunately, we offer you a quick and simple trick to get rid of these nasty and annoying insects.Fly swatters and electric insect killers (bug zappers) leave lots of mess behind. But this method will ensure you have no dead flies in your yard ever again.

The Fly Chaser!

You don’t have to spend money to make your fly chaser. In fact, you probably already have the required materials in your home. All you need to have is:

4 penniesWaterA plastic zip-up bag

Fill the plastic zip-up bag halfway with water and add the pennies. Seal the bag, and hang it by an open window or on a clothesline. Your fly chaser is ready.

How does it work

These insects have compound eyes. The added pennies in the water form prisms of light which makes flies to see more than one plastic bag. This confuses them, and makes them believe there are many bags, and since they are afraid of water, it will keep them away.

Take a look at the video below to see the making of this fly chaser in detail!

Via David Wolfe | Animals.Mom

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