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Any person who wants to be healthy should definitely prepare this healing potion based on garlic. It is crucial to remember that this natural potion will provide numerous benefits for health.
For instance, it is extremely good for the removals of salts from the system, supports circulation, detoxifies the blood, enhances immunity, and improves the work of the heart. In addition, it eliminates excess fat and speeds up metabolism.
This potion can be utilized to heal female health problems and inflammation and to help the body’s efforts to get rid of dangerous deposits.
Of course, one of the best things about it is the fact that you can prepare it yourself.
Healing Potion
Instructions:Take one clean glass jar and put a dozen of garlic cloves. Before that, cut each clove into four equal pieces.Pour two cups of red wine into the jar over the garlic cloves.Add 2 ½ tablespoons of thyme leaves.Seal the jar and leave it close to the window. Leave it for 15 days exposed to sunlight.Shake the jar 3 times every day.After 15 days, use gauze to filter the solution and store it in a clean dark bottle.
Take one teaspoon of this healthy potion, three times a day for 30 days.
After that, you should take a break that will last at least six months.
Via Naturel Diet