Here’s Why You or Your Children Should Never Sit in “W” Position

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You have probably seen someone sitting on the floor in the “W” position, presented in the image below. The name of this sitting position is due to the “W” shape that the legs form, a position usually common to children.

Although it indicates that a child is flexible, which is good for the muscles, the position itself is definitely not beneficial. The children who sit like this won’t feel the harmful effects right away, but they will certainly experience complications and changes in their bodies further in their life.

Here are the reasons why you shouldn’t let your child sit in W-position:

1. Restricted Hip Movement

This sitting position puts too much pressure on the hips and knees, which eventually adapt to the abnormal force they are exposed to. Over time, this will restrict the external rotation of the hips, impeding the children’s ability to sit with their legs in front of their bodies.

2. Tibial Torsion

This unhealthy sitting position affects the alignment of the lower legs and thighs.

If a child sits in this position for a longer period of time, his/her lower legs will twist outward, and if this becomes his/her habit, they might also become stiff. In such a case, the child will develop tibial torsion – excessive lateral rotation of the feet.

3. Muscle Tightness

The child sitting in W-position might feel tightness over the side of the hips. Over time, s/he will have a hard time balancing on one foot.

4. Orthopedic Concerns

The W-sitting position increases the risk of hip dislocation.

5. Developmental or Neurological Holdups

Children who sit in W-position often have problems standing up and walking, which causes developmental delays regardless of their age. As there is no trunk rotation in this position, the child might lack hand preference.

Breaking the Habit

Although breaking your child’s habit takes time and patience, as well as your verbal and physical guidance, it will definitely be worth it in the end. Whenever you see your child sitting in W-position, remind them to change their sitting. You can teach them the lotus position, or even better, give them a chair to sit on.

Every time they sit on a chair or at a desk, remind them to sit with a straight back. You can also encourage them to move around, by engaging them in some activities like running around, stretching, or playing some game.

Via Healthline

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