How to Get Rid of Cockroaches With a Method That Really Works

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Cockroaches are definitely the most unwanted guests that you can encounter in your house. Probably there are just a few people who won’t recoil in disgust after seeing these creepy-crawly insects. And, why people shouldn’t be?

Not only they are disgusting; they can transmit different diseases, and bacteria and damage your household. During the night, they can appear almost everywhere, but mainly they hide in dark places which are difficult to repel.

When facing such a problem, you would probably buy some product that may be highly expensive. The market offers different products which promote great results but for a really high price.

But, will they help you eliminate cockroaches? These products are loaded with highly toxic chemicals which can seriously endanger your health and usually don’t provide permanent results.

However, there is no need to worry about this issue. Here is a completely safe and natural way to get rid of cockroaches in an instant.

Sugar and Borax

When it comes to the elimination of cockroaches and other nasty bugs from your home, borax is definitely a “must.” With the help of this remedy, you will eliminate cockroaches effectively.

In What Way Does Borax Work?

What borax does is dehydration of the insects’ exoskeleton and damage the digestive system. Once insects come in contact with borax, they die at that very moment.

When combined with sugar, borax creates a bomb so strong that traps almost every insect. In fact, cockroaches are attracted by the sweetness, and they are easily trapped in this combination.

How to Make This Powerful Cockroach Repellent?

It can’t be easier. All you have to do is mix borax and sugar in a 3:1 ratio. Then, apply the mixture to the affected areas.

Note: Make sure you wear gloves while spreading the combination.

The next morning all you have to do is clean the dead cockroaches which are lying down. For optimal results, repeat this method after several days.

Some people even use boric acid or baking soda instead of borax.

Caution: If you have small children or pets, avoid using this cockroach repellent.

Source Healthy Food House | Top 10 Home Remedies | Insider

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