TOXIC Overload!
Take This Short Quiz To Determine Your Body Toxicity Risk
Nowadays, there are plenty of over-the-counter products which claim to tighten the skin and lower the appearance of large pores. Nevertheless, we offer you a natural homemade treatment to get rid of this problem.
The ingredients of this homemade remedy are just baking soda and water. Mix 2 tablespoons of water and 2 tablespoons of baking soda to get a paste. Apply the paste on your face, and let it dry for about 15 minutes. The mask will tighten, so wash your face with cool water. We give you a list of more effective natural remedies which require only two or three ingredients.
Cucumber, Rosewater, and Lemon
Crush the flesh of a peeled cucumber, and add several drops of lemon water and a teaspoon of rosewater. Take a clean cloth, and put the mixture on it. Then, fold the cloth and apply it onto your face. Wash your face with cool water afterwards.
Egg White and Lemon juice
Make a natural mask for your face with 2 egg whites and several drops of lemon juice. Apply the mask and allow it to stand for a couple of minutes. After that, wash your face with cool water. Not only that you will tighten your pores with this mask, but you will also eliminate the excess oil and the dead skin cells.
Tomato and Lime Juice
Add 2 to 4 drops of lime juice in a tomato juice. Use a cotton ball to apply the solution on your face, and allow it to stand for about 15 minutes. Then wash your face with lukewarm water. The acids in lime will remove the excess oil from your skin, and tomatoes will act as an astringent. This mask will close your skin pores and will tighten your skin.
Lime Juice and Almonds
In a small bowl with water, add couple of almonds to soak overnight. Prepare a paste from the soaked almonds the next morning, by mashing them and adding a teaspoon of lime juice. Apply the mask and let it stay for half an hour, and then wash your face with cool water.
Pineapple Juice and Lemon
In half a cup of pineapple juice, add the lemon squeezed out of half a lemon. Then soak a small cloth in the mixture and put it onto your face. After 5 minutes, rinse your face with cool water. Your skin will be cleaned and tightened thanks to the enzymes in pineapple, and the acid in the lemon juice will work as an astringent.
Via Parenting