How to Treat Asthma Attacks Without an Inhaler (by Preventing Them Instead)

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People suffering from asthma know how inconvenient and even scary asthma attacks can be. They can wake you up in the middle of the night with your airways completely blocked and they have to reach for the emergency inhaler to save themselves. A short spray makes them feel better in a matter of seconds.

However, the substances found in these sprays usually increase heart race and they have trouble falling asleep again.

Cases like this are very frequent among asthma patients and what is even worse is that these episodes come and go without any apparent reason or some pattern. Asthma sufferers experience phlegm that disrupts proper breathing, inflammation pressing their mucous membranes and spasms in the bronchial tubes.

It turns out that asthma attacks are more intense and more frequent in areas with intense humidity because this condition of air usually supports the buildup of mildew. These sufferers describe the feeling as inhaling air under water.

In addition, many people are exposed to mold, fumes, cigarette smoke and other harmful matters at work or outside their homes. This makes the lives of asthma sufferers very difficult and most of them are told that they will have to take medicines regularly forever.

However, there are many people who claim that they were able to prevent asthma attacks without inhalers. This is not something new because people in the past have tried different techniques to solve this problem.

For example they have taken cold and hot showers one after another to ease the spasms and inhaled steam enriched with eucalyptus oil for example. However, in most cases these techniques didn’t work for most people.

According to many experts, in order to get rid of asthma or any other disease, you must first identify the reason behind that disease. Most people agree that stress is number one factor when it comes to asthma.

Things like numerous deadlines, unexpected negative news, bad weather, negative people can definitely increase asthma attacks. In other words, emotional stress can easily result in such attacks.

According to Elson Haas, head of the Preventive Medicine Center of Marin located in San Rafael, California, stress triggers physiological responses that have negative impact on breathing. After all, we all know the advice to take short breaths when we are angry or nervous.

In addition, the human body releases many different hormones when we feel pressure like cortisol and adrenaline which expand the airways. However, when the stress is gone, the levels of these hormones drops and the tubes are tighter.

Many people say that using certain herbs like windflower or pulsatilla, can help people that have problems with breathing. So, feel free to try this herb.

After that, you must make a zone free of stress for yourself. One good advice is to avoid going home right after your work hours are finished. The reason is simple – once you go home you will have some household chores that you need to complete. Instead of that, take half an hour to walk in the local park, ride a bicycle or get involved in some other moderate relaxing activity.

You can also ask your partner or friend to massage your back especially your shoulders because relaxed muscles improve breathing. Needless to say, some relaxation techniques known since ancient times like yoga or meditation are helpful too. There are also some special breathing techniques that you may try.

Some people take dance classes, but not only to improve their physical health, but also to get in touch with themselves. Dancing can help you understand your problems and how you view the world and the people around you.

All these methods will help you take full control of your own life and you will soon feel that you no longer need the inhaler.

Now let’s visualize a situation that might trigger asthma attacks in some individuals. Imagine that you are visiting a sick friend (negative and intense emotions) who has cats and you are allergic to cats and your interaction with cats usually results in asthma attacks.

You will definitely feel uncomfortable in a situation like this, but instead being overwhelmed by negative emotions and feelings, you should focus on your breathing. Try to visualize your breaths, rely on the things you’ve learned on yoga classes and find peace inside you. Learn to ignore the small things that distract you and breathe freely.

Of course, just in case, take the inhaler with you, but use it only in cases of extreme emergency.

Via Arrow Headhealth

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