I Had No Idea Drinking From Copper Could Do THIS To My Body. Fascinating…

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A lot of people have favorite go-to look for their dishware. Some like solid colors and clean lines, and others like mixtures of colors and patterns. Nevertheless, on some occasions, there’s a different set of criteria which affects your physical health more that your lifestyle sensibilities.

Although you might find hard to believe that there’s a possible link between your dishware and your health, still this is the truth. More precisely, the link is within the dishware material. There was an assumption that there’s something incredible about the cups made from copper for over millennia.

People dating from the ancient Egyptian times have stored water in copper jars, and have worn copper jewelry around their skin, citing incredible medical benefits. Nowadays, science confirms that belief, with number of studies showing that copper can destroy many harmful materials.

Too much copper have adverse effect on our body, but drinking out of a copper vessel or cup up to 4 times a week will ensure getting its benefits. This simple lifestyle change is able to make huge difference in your overall health!

How Does Copper Affect Our Bodies?

Besides being used for tools and jewelry, copper has been used for is medicinal properties. Vedic people and ancient Egyptians have noticed that copper vessels keep the water fresh and safe to drink, so they used them to store large quantities of water.

This ancient belief is confirmed by the modern science, according to which large amounts of this heavy metal aren’t safe for our health, but on the other hand, small ones might show incredible results. Therefore, get yourself a copper mug and read how drinking from it can be beneficial for your overall health.

1. Stimulates The Brain

In days when you feel slow and sluggish, copper might help you to speed up your brain. The body can be stimulated to produce and restore myelin sheaths, which take significant part of the brain’s nervous system, as well as to enable synapses transferring from one point to another with the help of copper as a micronutrient. Copper will enhance the health of your myelin sheaths, thus enabling those synapses to jump from one place to another with a lightning speed.

2. Soothes Joints

Wearing copper around the skin or consuming it, has been considered to effectively treat joint pain, especially if it oxidizes and becomes green, coloring the skin around it too. Although this might be more folktale treatment rather than a real remedy, the belief is that it can stimulate the growth of lost cartilage, thus relieving some pain related to joint pain such as arthritis. The scientific community is still questionable regarding this theory, but the longtime practitioners on the other hand are swearing that copper has helped them with their swollen and sore joints.

3. Helps the Digestive System

Copper is able to stimulate the digestive muscles’ contractions which in turn helps waste move quicker through the intestines, towards its final elimination from the organism. That’s why consuming copper in small amounts can lead to more efficient digestion. Moreover, copper destroys bacteria, which can be beneficial for elimination of harmful microorganisms that can result in upset stomach. However, the consummation of copper should also be limited to avoid harming the “good” gut bacteria.

4. Balances the Thyroid

One of the many trace nutrients required by the body for performing the daily functions is copper. Copper deficiency is often linked to thyroid disorders like hyper- or hypothyroidism. This condition is related to major hormonal fluctuations, weight changes, and mood changeability, so your body might balance the thyroid function if you use some copper supplements, and thus restore the order in your body.

5. Support Cardiovascular System

U.S. Department of Agriculture has proved that supplementary copper might improve the vascular and heart health, although this doesn’t mean that copper is solution to all cardiovascular issues. Although copper can’t be regarded as a replacement for a prescribed medication or a healthy lifestyle, still supplementary copper might help decrease the plaque in arteries and open up blood vessels, thus helping to avoid or enhance blockages.

6. Strengthenes Hair

Cooper micronutrient is a crucial component in the melanin production, and since it is important part of the hair health, it can be really beneficial for restoring thinning hair. It also increases the hair follicles and lowers the time needed for hair growth and length, so copper can help in regrowing hair after chemo. Copper increases melanin in hair so it can also slow down the graying process.

7. Supports the Spleen and Liver

According to the Vedic wisdom, copper is beneficial for the spleen, liver, and lymphatic system. However, this belief is probably true only in times of copper deficiency as the liver filters out the excess metals like copper in the blood.

8. Improves Skin

The production of melanin beneficial for the hair is equally beneficial for the skin too. Copper peptides can help stimulate production of healthy skin cells and smoothness, and are also beneficial for healing dry or damaged skin. Moreover, they stimulate the production of collagen, which improves the health and elasticity of skin.

Via Little Things

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