If You’ve Ever Felt Your Body Jerk Suddenly While Falling Asleep, THIS IS What’s Happening To You

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Just figure out that you are in the best part of your sleep. While dreaming, out of nowhere you wake up with a sudden jerk of your body. Sucks right? Why does your body wake up abruptly? Has this taken place before?

It seems that this happens very often and scientists have finally resolved what does it mean. Many theories have been made by the analysts in terms of this phenomenon, known as ‘hypnic jerk’.

Sometimes it can give you an impression of falling down from a great height. People arose many different approaches in terms of the explanation of this feeling.

One of them points out that people are choked by a demon while they sleep. We have all experienced such a feeling, but maybe in a different form and it resulted in an interrupted dream.

One hypothesis proposes that the ‘hypnic jerk’ is a visual perception of falling, which individuals involve just before they wake up. One possible explanation of this dream scenario may be that the part of the brain, which works on the creation of dream may attempt to comprehend the sudden desire of the body to wake up.

Now, this is just a hypothesis and many researches should be done to affirm this.

Via Awesome Jelly

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