Just Use These 2 Ingredients to Empty All Deposits of Fat and Parasites of Your Body Without Effort

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All the fats and parasites from the body can be easily eliminated by two simple ingredients.

According to numerous experts, the stored energy is body fat so if you want to burn the deposits, you should follow a strict diet.

The process of burning fats is influenced by other reserves of energy such as protein (muscle) and glycogen (carbohydrate).

If you like to modify the way your body uses fats, you should modify the way it uses these energy deposits.

When experiencing constant stress, your body may crave for food but this can be a result of certain parasites that exist in the stomach. As a result of an excessive consumption of sweet food, the body creates mucus, a perfect environment for parasites, fungi and bacteria.

There are certain natural remedies that eliminate effectively the accumulated fat, parasites and bacteria from the body. The following one is a really effective one:

What to use:

10g dried cloves100g linseed

Grind altogether the dried cloves and linseed until you get a powder.

When to use it:

Consume two tablespoons of this powder with water or during your breakfast, every morning.

For optimal results, practice this treatment for three days, make a three days break and then repeat the procedure.

Within a month, you will see the results. Your body will be clean of toxins, parasites, fungi and bacteria.

Support this treatment with additional daily intake of vitamins and minerals in order to provide your body the needed energy. Your body will be vital, energetic and healthy.

Via Healthy Food House

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