Keep Yourself Away from This Oil: It’s More Dangerous Than a Sugar

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The vast majority of people believe that this oil is actually very healthy and they add it to their meals whenever they can. However, according to many experts, they are completely wrong. You are probably aware that soy is often advertised as a very healthy, safe, and useful replacement for many other foods, but the truth is much different.

It turns out that soybean oil can lead to many problems in our bodies. Soybean oil and other products based on soy originate from soybeans. The majority of soy manufacturers are avoiding the truth and won’t tell anyone that soybean is actually toxic. As a matter of fact, in order to make soybeans good for consumption, these manufacturers have to use a sophisticated treatment.

In addition, an individual who consumes large amounts of soy encourages their body to produce more steroids (male hormones) and increases the risk of witnessing Alzheimer’s disease and premature puberty in girls as well as postponed physical maturation in male teenagers.

What is even worse is that most of the manufacturers are producing GMO soybeans.

Despite this fact, there is an increased presence of soybean in different products which makes it difficult to avoid them.

On top of that, soy milk is recommended by some manufacturers for infants as an alternative to breast milk.

In any case, soy manufacturers and the people who work for them will never tell you about this, so it is the best idea to share this news with your friends and family.

Via Healthy Magazine 365

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