Longest Marriage Ever! Husband, 108, Wife, 105, Celebrate 82 years of Marriage

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Although it sounds incredible, Jeanne and Duranord Veillard are celebrating 82 years of marriage.

In a few days, Duranord Veillard will turn 108 and his wife Jeanne will celebrate her 105th birthday in May, 2017.

Originally from Haiti, Duranord spend most of his teenage days and early adulthood as a fisherman. He moved to the capital Port-au-Prince in his early 20s and focused on studying law. When he was 25, he got married to Jeanne. This was the year when Franklin Roosevelt became president.

Duranord and Jeanne have five children.

About 50 years ago, Duranord was fired, so the Veillard family decided to continue their lives in the US once they got a visa. Duranord started working at the Good Samaritan Hospital as a laboratory technician. He worked for a decade and retired. It is good to mention that even though their children stayed in Haiti, after some time they all moved to the US.

Even though Duranord has hearing difficulties and barely sees today, these natural processes don’t prevent him from telling some great jokes or talking to the journalists who were invited on his birthday.

Duranord and Jeanne are in their home all the time and the only time they go outside is for regular health checkups. Obviously, they can’t walk without help, but they say that they are quite happy with their lives.

Their son Vely, who is 61 years old now, says that his father has an incredible memory. He is also amazed by the fact that his dad still tries to avoid the cane.

Now, Duranord and Jeanne are focused on Jeanne’s birthday when they will try to break another record. We honestly hope that they will make it because their story is truly inspiring.

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