Lower your Sugar, Fat and Cholesterol!

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Onion VS Pineapple?
What is the #1 Anti-inflammatory Food?

Let nature be your biggest source of your health and self-treatment. Forget the ineffective, starving diets, and dangerous prescription pills. You can be your own doctor, to a certain extent of course.

Although you know some general facts about what is healthy and what not, you might still do stuff or eat things you know are bad for your health. For instance, the benefits of consuming fruits and vegetables are well-known, but you don’t always practice this dietary habit.

We don’t say you have to give up protein, carbs, protein and plant fat, and even some forms of healthy sugar. Instead, you need to significantly reduce or exclude the vermin of the food pyramid – the complete and utter junk food, for the sake of your longevity and sense of wellbeing. Your body doesn’t need this fake food that’s not even recommended for dogs. We talk about junk and processed food!

Avoid eating from the golden arches, even when you’re drunk! That’s right, you need to take control over the hazardous addiction that these food chains are imposing on us. Anything loaded with preservatives, chemicals, sodium, weird unnecessary coloring, and the worst thing – processed white sugar. Many people refuse to accept that their health is impaired because of their diet. Remember, you are what you eat! So, take a closer look at your daily meals and snacks before judging right away.

It’s essential you reprogram your habits and cravings. You know you can do it, you just have to really want it, and who doesn’t want their health improved and their lifespan prolonged. To achieve this, it’s not necessary you deprive yourself of food cravings. Instead, you should divert them. If you wonder how to do that, remember- our mind creates our cravings, and in the same way it can destroy them.

You have the power to make food a drug, and the consequence of this addiction is high cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and fat percentage. At the beginning, you might be even unaware of these problems.

If you have the sickening white sugar addiction, turn to cane sugar, honey, fruit syrups, stevia, coconut sugar, muscovado, agave syrup, and even better, go for pears, apples, oranges, coconuts, bananas, berries and more. Those with fatty cravings should change fast food, excessive pastry layers, and cakes for leaner pork, beef, chicken, fish, or rich crops like sweet potato, avocado, and luscious fruits.

If you crave for carbs, choose gluten-free flatbreads, sweet and regular potatoes, lentils, brown, red, and black rice, etc. On top of all this, consume as many vegetables as you can, preferably raw, or half raw.

Regular consumption of sugary drinks can cause addiction on the long run. You might not be aware of this, but you will start gaining weight more quickly from drinking these beverages than from eating sugary foods.

You can replace them with healthier options, such as the following cocktail mixes: cucumber and ginger, lemon, apples, and/or apple cider vinegar. These delicious, tangy and spicy cocktails will speed up your metabolism.

Another option is oranges, pear or apple, ginger with some honey and plants such as tarragon, mint or rosemary that will drastically improve your energy levels.

Kale, beet, green apple, ginger, carrots, and lemon or ACV will do wonders for your stomach.

Coconut milk or good quality fresh milk, cinnamon, vanilla, black pepper, bit of clove, and some natural sweetener like honey will give you a spiced milk tea that will leave you with a pleasantly satiated feeling.

Via Wellnessbin

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