Magical Recipe to Cleanse Your Arteries, Decrease Cholesterol Levels and Increase Immunity

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If you are experiencing numerous health problems including, infections, cholesterol, lower immune system or cardiovascular disease you should try this magical mixture made out of three potent ingredients.

The combination of these three ingredients will provide more benefits to your body rather than if they are taken separately.

This is an old German recipe that combines: ginger, lemon and garlic.

Garlic is considered as one of the most potent foods in the world due to its antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic properties. It is rich in allicin, the most powerful substance along with vitamin B6, vitamin C, fiber and manganese.

Ginger contains many anti-inflammatory ingredients including: beta-carotene, caffeic acid, capsaicin, salicylate, curcumin and gingerols. It is especially helpful in the treatment of different kinds of diseases, inflammation, digestive problems as well as pain.

Lemon is loaded with vitamin C. It boosts our immune system, balances our pH value providing an alkaline effect on our body.


two liters of filtrated water,four lemons (unpeeled),four cloves of garlic,4 cm of ginger.

How to prepare:

1. Wash the lemons and cut them into tracks. Clean the garlic gloves and rind the ginger.

2. Blend the ingredients altogether until you get a homogeneous paste.

3. Pour the mixture in a pan and warm it. Add some water. Mix it until it boils. Remove the pan from heat and let it cool.

4. Stain the combination and pour it in glass bottles. Keep them in fridge.


Drink one glass every morning or before going to bed on an empty stomach.

You do not need to worry about the garlic flavor, because the lemon and ginger will neutralize it in the process of baking.

Shake the mixture well before drinking in order to shake the ingredients that are on the bottom of the bottle.

Via The Health on Line Central

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