Milk is Not Good for Your Bones — This is Why!

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Have you ever felt the urge to drink a cold, tasty glass of ordinary cow’s milk? This is usually what happens when you are planning your breakfast or when you are making a dessert or you just want to prepare a fast snack that includes cereals.

The majority of people are aware of the alleged health benefits of milk and their positive role in the development of kids because “it’s good for the bones and overall health”. It is very likely that you have used a lot of milk when you were a kid and your practice was supported by your parents.

As a matter of fact, about 23 years ago, there was a national campaign called Got Milk to encourage people to consume more milk because the number of people using milk was going down. Many singers, athletes and actors were part of this campaign which emphasized the fact that milk is important for the teeth, bones and health in general.

But, have you ever wondered what exactly milk does to our bones? What are the effects of drinking milk to our bones?

Most grocery stores today are offering pasteurized cow’s milk that you can find in their fridges. For those who don’t know, pasteurization is a specific process that relies on heat to eliminate pathogens normally found in food. The final objective is to destroy germs that carry different diseases and keeping the milk fresh for a longer period of time (anti-sour effects).

While this process lasts, the fluid is heated rapidly to a certain point and quickly cooled down after that. This is where the first problem occurs. The process of pasteurization also eliminates the healthy bacteria like probiotics and on top of that it eliminates certain nutrients found in milk including iodine and vitamin C.

Additionally, pasteurization eliminates enzymes naturally found in cow’s milk. The eliminated enzymes disrupt the body’s efforts to absorb phosphorus and calcium found in milk.

According to official stats, countries that have high dairy consumption like EU countries and the United States, have the highest number of osteoporosis patients. People were advised to drink a lot of milk to protect their bones, but it seems that the latest scientific studies have provided enough evidence to say that drinking milk brings negative effects.

Even Drinking Raw Milk is Not a Smart Practice

It doesn’t really matter if we are talking about skim, 3%, 2% or 1% milk, every milk product found in grocery stores is subjected to the process of pasteurization before it hits the market. So, in case you have an idealistic image about the milk found in stores and how it comes from well-fed happy cows wandering on large clean pastures throughout the day and taking small breaks to produce milk, you should know that you are wrong.

People should know that the cows used to produce milk found in grocery stores are not completely natural and healthy. As a matter of fact, most of them receive significant amounts of a growth hormone known as rBGH. This genetically modified hormone is inserted in cows in order to increase their milk production.

It is worth mentioning that this specific hormone is banned in the EU, Canada, Australia and Japan because of the possible negative effects on human and animal health. However, the use of rBGH in the United States is allowed and widely used because it can boost milk production for up to 15%.

These cows produce milks that may come with more than twenty different types of painkillers, growth hormones and antibiotics and you can consume this in only one glass of fresh milk. According to some scientific studies, these compounds found in milk were associated with cancer and tumor.

These cows are more prone to health problems and their health is fragile and the milk they produce is packed with pus. That’s why the process of pasteurization is used. The milk they produce is subjected to a fast heating process, but this process doesn’t mean that the milk is completely clean.

As a matter of fact, pasteurized milk use was directly linked to several cases of salmonella in the last few years even though the milk was pasteurized and packed well.

When the milk is treated with pasteurization, it turns into highly acidic food and this means that it can cause certain health problems. As we all know, our body must keep a specific pH value to control homeostasis. If the foods that we consume are heavily refined and processed, we will make our body more acidic, making an environment that is not normal.

This is when our body starts looking for ways to bring back normal pH levels and starts extracting alkaline compounds like magnesium and calcium from specific body parts like teeth and bones. If this situation continues for a while, we can expect our bones to become very weak and fragile and the occurrence of osteoporosis is imminent.

We should also highlight the fact that tumors make progress when the environment is acidic. So, the more milk people consume, the more they are affecting their bones in a negative way.

Before you visit the local grocery store tomorrow, you should make a list of some more acceptable food choices and forget about pasteurized milk. The good news is that there are many healthy alternatives to choose from.

Via David Wolfe

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