NASA Confesses to Dosing Americans with Air-borne Lithium & Other Chemicals

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The pharmaceutical drug lithium is commonly used in the treatment of bipolar disorder or manic depression. It’s well-known that NASA is spraying this chemical into our ionosphere, and besides their official explanation, there’s another possible reason for this, if you consider that they are so secretive in nature.

As NASA’s own personnel admit, many chemicals, including lithium, are intentionally and regularly being sprayed in our environment. It is possible that many of them are not even aware of the true reasons behind this project, and what these pharmaceuticals/chemicals are meant to instill.

As you may remember, one NASA employee ([email protected]) discussed the spraying of lithium in the atmosphere in the first bombshell video, claiming that it’s completely harmless to the environment.

We will point you to several references before telling you the official explanation of NASA concerning the psych-meds spraying over millions of Americans, in order for you to do some research and find out that this is real, and not a conspiracy theory.

“Feasibility of Aerosol Vaccinations in Humans” is a Pub Med abstract that explains how a raise in antigen volumes is good for aerosol delivery of vaccines that can be used in disaster areas and developing countries. It also explains that thousands of human volunteers have already undergone aerosol vaccination with live attenuated influenza A and measles vaccines. The abstract further explains that this type of vaccination is perfect for large populations. It had all began in 2003.

The Randomized, Controlled Trial of Aerosolized Vaccines Against Measles found in The New England Journal of Medicine says that the vaccines were tested on 9-month children in India.

Bloghas been investigating these vaccines for years, as well as the “philanthropic” agencies whose aim is sterilization of the population. Ever since 1986, when Congress awarded the pharmaceutical industry legal protection from all lawsuits, it has been absolved from any legal responsibility for medicating the populations. Although the law was later challenged, in 2011 the U.S. Supreme Court supported it. As you can see, many powerful agencies do everything they can so that we can “take our medicine.”

As a matter of fact, a lot of nations are part of the forced vaccination and the regular disposal of various chemical concoctions and attenuated viruses on their heads. Due to the intentional release of a Fact Check containing live bacteria in the area of South Australia, Queensland, Victoria, and Western Australia, OGTR (Office of the Gene Technology Regulator) considered granting a license application to PaxVax Australia. Their plan was to release cholera in their population.

This GMO vaccine was recognized as a controlled and limited release under section 50A of the Gene Technology Act 2000, according to the regulator. But the U.S. can’t be ignored, so as Michael Greenwood stated, according to research by the Yale School of Public Health and the California Department of Public Health, the human cases of West Nile virus can be drastically decreased through large–scale aerial spraying targeting adult mosquitoes.

So far we think you understand that this is really happening, but why?

Well, the power structure that wants a complicit population had to find a way to change our neurochemistry, since many nations refuse to drink fluoride water (neurotoxin according to one of the world’s premier medical journals), and consume genetically modified food.

Lithium changes the levels of norepinephrine and serotonin secreted by our endocrine system, thus changing the way we think. Despite the fact that this chemical strongly changes the brain system, the NASA employee in the first bombshell video says it doesn’t harm the population in any way. Doctors state that lithium is dangerous even when prescribing it for mentally ill patients, as the proper dosing is Curious Mind Magazine.

NASA’s official explanation of spraying large amounts of the chemical indiscriminately into the air via aerosols is that the project is studying charged and neutral particles in the ionosphere and how they affect each other on their movement, causing current in the region. These variations are important as all GPS and communication satellites send signals through the ionosphere. As NASA explains, scientists want to know what causes the disturbed ionosphere which results in disturbed signals.

Meanwhile, the government has given gag orders on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and National Weather Service (NWS) who can easily disprove NASA’s ridiculous claims, to prevent the over-medicated find out what is being done to them. What’s more, every person working for NASA, NOAA, or NWS is paid with tax dollars, meaning that people actually pay to be medicated and poisoned.

Here’s Code 8440 RMMO which supports the claim of NASA’s employee in the video, stating the precise aim of the use of Wallops Flight Facility to launch a rocket with lithium thermite.

This specific call also shows that lithium has been released in our environment ever since 1970. This is definitely a good way to create mindless by medicating the masses to make slave-like prisoners who are unaware of their imprisonment. Spraying a number of chemicals, viruses, bacteria, hormone-altering drugs, fungi, parasites, toxins, carcinogens, parasites, prions, anti-fauna, and anti-flora, and gene-altering micro-dust is practically a bio-warfare against the world’s population. Call them as you like, chemtrails or not, they give the same effect.

As the master propagandist Edward L. Bernays explains, the true ruling government in our country is those who manipulate the unseen mechanism of society. Our minds are molded, our ideas suggested, our tastes formed, and our whole being governed mostly by people we have never heard of. This is in fact the expected result of the way our democratic society is organized.

Countless people must cooperate in this manner in order to live together in a goof-functioning society. We are dominated by this small number of people in almost every act of our everyday lives, whether that’s our ethical thinking or social conduct, or in the sphere of business or politics. These people control the public mind.

Via Blog | State of the Nation

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