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If there is one food and spice combination that most people love, that has to be honey and cinnamon. Once you use this tasty combo you will most likely stop your craving for sweet food. But what is even better is that the use of this combination can provide numerous health benefits.

As a matter of fact, honey and cinnamon mixture has been consumed for centuries. Honey was used orally and topically for thousands of years and cinnamon is a very old spice mentioned in the oldest records related to healthy spices. So, cinnamon and honey have very powerful healing properties, and their combination results in an even stronger natural remedy that comes with an incredible taste and aroma.

The following is a list of 10 reasons why each of us should consume a combination of honey and cinnamon on a daily basis.

1. Hair loss

Hair loss and baldness affect many people around the globe, but many of them were able to ease the problem by using honey and cinnamon. Those who are dealing with hair loss should make a mixture that consists of one Tsp. of cinnamon powder, one Tbsp. of raw honey, and some olive oil. Apply this powerful mixture to the roots of your hair and leave it between 10 and 15 minutes. Next, thoroughly wash your hair with warm water. Be sure to perform this process 3 times a week.

2. Toothache

If you want to relive the pain that comes from your teeth, apply a mixture of 1 Tsp. of cinnamon powder and 5 Tsp. of raw honey on the affected area. This mixture will provide relief right away. Leave the mixture for five minutes on the painful tooth and perform this procedure three times per day.

3. Digestive problems

Before your start, your most important meal, consume a mixture that includes one tablespoon of cinnamon powder and two tablespoons of raw honey. Int his way, your system will digest any food more easily.

4. Acne

There are many people who believe that acne is an unsolvable problem and they don’t take any measures to fix this problem. However, they are wrong. Honey and cinnamon have proven to be very effective. It takes a mixture of three tablespoons of raw honey and one Tsp. of cinnamon powder in order to produce a powerful cure. Use this incredible mixture on the acne before bedtime and carefully rinse your face when you wake up.

5. Infertility

It turns out that people were aware of the positive effects of cinnamon and honey for this purpose for hundreds of years. People in Ancient China and Ancient Greece have used a mixture of a small amount of raw honey and 1/2 a Tsp. of cinnamon to Healthline.

6. Cancer

There are several scientific studies that have shown that a combination of honey and cinnamon can help people dealing with gastric cancer. These people should take a combination of 1 Tbsp. of honey and 1 Tsp. of cinnamon powder on a daily basis for about 90 days.

7. Long life

If you want to live a long life, then you should be drinking teas based on honey and cinnamon. It is very easy to make a tea like this – just mix 4 tablespoons of raw honey, 1 Tsp. of cinnamon powder, and three cups of plain water. Experts advise drinking ¼ of a cup, four times per day. You will witness the first results after two weeks.

8. Bad breath

Use one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of cinnamon powder, and a small amount of lukewarm water to create a mixture. Use this mixture to rinse your mouth three times a day to get fresh breath.

9. Skin infections

It is very easy to create this mixture. Mix equal amounts of cinnamon and honey and place them on the problematic area. Leave the mixture for 30 minutes and use warm water to wash it after that.

10. Fatigue

Modern people often deal with fatigue. If you are looking for a way to bring back your energy, just mix half a teaspoon of cinnamon with half a teaspoon of honey in a regular cup of water and drink this mixture in the afternoon when your energy levels get lower. Once you drink this mixture you will get reenergized.

Sources/References: Health & Love Page | Healthline

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