Place Ice On This Point Twice A Day And Something Amazing Can Happen To Your Body!

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According to the Chinese medicine, the energy (chi or qi) streams through and around the body via pathways called meridians. So it is believed by the acupuncturists that when these pathways are blocked or out of balance, some disease happens.

In order to prevent such diseases and provide a proper work of the organs, the flow of chi must be maintained throughout the body.

One meridian in the body stands for one internal organ. Each meridian has its pressure points, if there is some tension in the related organ a massage or acupuncture can help relieving any obstructed qi on the meridian.

Also the same can be achieved by pushing and holding the point which will release qi and rejuvenate the organ.

There is a faster, easier and safer way to apply the theory of Chinese medication in your home. You just have to position a cube of ice on the specific point on your neck. This would improve your health, stimulate your body and mood and will promote your well-being.

This point, also called Feng Fu or Wind Mansion in acupuncture,  is placed between the tendons in the back of the neck, in between the base of the skull and the top of the neck.

First, sit or rest on your stomach and place an ice on the specific point previously explained. You have to hold it for twenty minutes so secure it with a bandage or a scarf. You might be cold at the beginning, but after 30-60 seconds it will be more pleasant and you will feel the influx of heat in your neck.

Practice this technique in the morning and before you go to bed so that you stimulate the release of endorphin’s and create energy. The Chinese medicine claims that this technique provides physiological balance, stronger, stimulated and healthier body. Also the activation of Feng Fu point is good for:

Bear in mind if you have a pacemaker, epilepsy, schizophrenia or you are pregnant do not practice this technique.

In any case, take a look at some video for more information before using this type of technique.

Via Bloggers Arena

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