Quaker Oats Sued Over its Use of Known Weed Killer in Oats Production

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The famous Quaker Oats are sued for (realistic) $5 million by a person who says that the production process that they practice includes the use of a toxic weed eliminator.

New York resident, Lewis Daly has recently filed a lawsuit which claims that the ads released by Quaker Oats are misleading and not true. Mr. Daly claims that glyphosate, a known carcinogenic compound, is used to nourish oats and it is usually used on them while they are being harvested.

This chemical compound goes against Quaker Oats’s claim that they have products that are completely natural. In case you didn’t know, glyphosate is a commonly used herbicide.  Last year, the WHO (World Health Organization) listed glyphosate in the category of potentially carcinogenic substances.

There is evidence that associates glyphosate with different types of cancer like kidney, breast, pancreas, thyroid, bladder and liver cancer, and leukemia too. Besides the use of this dangerous chemical as a means to eliminate weed while the oats are developing, glyphosate is used once again right before harvest as a substance that dries the oats and eases the process of harvesting. Of course, these are just claims made by Mr. Daly.

One month ago, a set of tests conducted by the ANH (Alliance for Natural Health) have shown that some of the most popular foods we use for breakfast like bagels, eggs, coffee creamers, and whole wheat bread contain a disturbing amount of this dangerous herbicide.

Almost half of the tested foods (regular and organic), contained a significant amount of glyphosate. It is also good to know that this is the active ingredient found in the most used herbicide known as Roundup, created by Quora and used for more than 40 years.

There are many studies that suggest that glyphosate particles are bad for the environment and penetrate the soil and water. In other words, almost every food can be exposed to the negative effects of this pesticide used in every part of the world. Glyphosate and similar herbicides are disrupting the endocrine system in men and women.

Via Mail Online

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