Is your stomach empty?
It is a good idea to read this article before you enter your local fast food restaurant and have a serving of a meal full of unhealthy ingredients. For example, did you know that there is a great chance that you can find traces of feathers and beetles in the burger served in a fast food restaurant?
The following is a short list of most shocking additives you are consuming when you use the services of a restaurant like this.
1. Pink Slime: McDonald’s is proud of their McNuggets because they are one of their top selling products. When people eat McNuggets they believe they are enjoying pure chicken, but that’s far from the truth. This meal is packed with chicken carcass and bones, parts of a chicken that you usually avoid.
Another ingredient that is suspicious is the so-called pink slime. This ingredient comes with ammonia which is used to kill bacteria as well as small quantity of petroleum to expand its shelf life.
2. Duck Feathers: There are many urban myths about the ingredients found in McDonald’s and one of them is that you can find traces of cow eyeballs in their hamburgers. We cannot confirm this claim, but what is known for sure is that their product Baked Hot Apple Pie comes with pieces of duck feathers or an ingredient that is based on duck feathers.
We know that this sounds incredible, but it’s true.
3. Wood or cellulose: Cellulose or processed wood pulp is a material found in many products. It is used in the food industry in order to stabilize and thicken foods, increase fiber content and as a substitution for fat.
4. Silly Putty Plastic: A type of silicone called dimethylpolysiloxane is frequently used in the production of stretchy toys, but it is also very useful in the process of frying because it keeps the foaming away when fryer oil is used. This ingredient can be found in McDonald’s fried and Filet-O-Fish. In addition, there are few other products where this silicone is used.
5. Soil fertilizer or ammonium sulfate: Many food manufacturers buy ammonium sulfate from chemical companies who advertise this product as yeast food for bread. You can find this ingredient in many fast-food meals and this is something you can check on their labels.
6. Petroleum-derived preservatives (TBHQ): TBHQ or Tertiary butylhydroquinone consists of several compounds based on petroleum and it can be found in many types of processed foods. For instance, McDonald’s uses TBHQ in more than 15 products including, McNuggets, Griddle Cakes, Fruit and Walnut Salad etc.
About four decades ago, people spent about $6 billion on fast food. According to some experts this figure is increased about 30 times today. The food industry is enjoying the increased profit, but the quality of food is worse than ever.
Via Living Traditionally