Reflexology Massages to Induce/Use during Labor

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Acupuncture and reflexology have helped a lot of women deal with their pain without taking any medication. They can lower stress, pain, and symptoms of pregnancy. These techniques can help induce labor in cases of concurrent and rapid contractions.

Over the years, women have helped themselves relax and restrain themselves from vomiting with the help of these methods. You can do these traditional Chinese reflexology and acupuncture techniques to yourself, by pressing certain body points during regular intervals.

The following eight acupuncture points can be used as labor inducing techniques and maternity acupressure.

1. Wrist and Palm

a. P6 (Percadium)

This acupuncture point is located three fingers above the wrist crease, with palm faced upward. Press slightly, between the tendons, and massage for one to two minutes. This will reduce nausea and vomiting in pregnancy.

b. P8 (Pericardium)

Massage the center of your palm with the opposite thumb. While massaging, apply some pressure to help induce labor. To find this acupressure point, bend your middle finger and land it on the palm.

2. Ankle Region

a. Kidney and Bladder Points around the Ankle

To help induce labor, press the most tender points around your ankle with your fingertips. Keep on applying pressure, until your contraction begins. Continue once it has completed its cycle.

b. SP6 (Spleen)

This acupuncture point is located above the ankle bone, on the inside of the leg. Place 4 fingers on this area, and massage for several minutes to help induce labor.

3. Feet

a. LV3 (Liver)

Place your finger on your foot, between your big toe and the next one. Slide the finger to the tip of the joint, in the depression that’s 2 fingers below your big toe and the second one. Press and massage for few seconds, during 15 minutes intervals. Do this until you notice a contraction coming on.

b. K1 (Kidney)

The location of K1 acupuncture point is in the middle of the sole. Place a finger here, and press pushing the big toe. Massaging this area is beneficial during the whole pregnancy to reduce nausea and emotional stress.

[thrive_link color=’green’ link=’’ target=’_blank’ size=’medium’ align=’aligncenter’]10 Health Benefits of Foot Reflexology Massage[/thrive_link]

4. Back

a. BL32 (Bladder)

Massage the depression at the bottom end of the spine, just above the crease of your buttocks, using your thumb. Massage in a circular motion to help induce labor.

b. GB21 (Gall Bladder)

Massage the point that’s placed at the center of the muscle between the base of your neck and the edge of your shoulder. This will help relieve pain and stress during labor. You can stimulate ‘Shiva’s Well’ or GB21 to treat breast abscess and coughs.

Note: Massage these specific acupuncture points on yourself only to relax, but, do not perform them on other people, especially not on pregnant women.

Via Medical News Today

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