Remove the Toxic Buildup That Leads to Belly Fat and Weight Gain with This Detox Drink

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If you deal with excess weight, frequent headaches, fatigue, joint pain, acne, sleep disorders, allergies to some foods, or depression, your body is probably full of toxins.

The extra weight and excess belly fat have good chances to be associated with the toxins that build up in the liver. The liver on the other hand has two very important functions: fat metabolism and blood detoxification.When the liver has too much fat to process, we start gaining weight and experience some health problems.

When our body is under stress and pressure, the accumulation of toxins start leaving the fat cells. This in turn causes cell damage and overload of toxins in our system which the liver simply can’t handle.

The toxins can as well build up in the brain, nervous, and muscle tissue, and sometimes even in the cellular membranes.

As Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton explains, the main reason why we increase our weight is related to the function of the weight control system. In other words, with its incapacity to cope with increased toxin levels which are part of the food we consume, and the cosmetic and cleaning products we use.

What’s more, these toxins can be often located in the environment so they can enter the body through the skin. The link between the global phenomenon of obesity and the toxic artificial chemicals is explained in Dr. Hamilton’s book, which focuses on detoxification diet.

You should realize that toxins impede the function of the liver to burn fat effectively. So, in order to remove the toxins from the body, the best way is through natural detoxification.

So once you eliminate all hazardous toxins from your system, the accumulated fat will as well start to go away. To achieve all this, you need this excellent detox drink!

Recipe: The Best Detox Drink

Required Ingredients


Just mix all the ingredients together, and you have made your detox drink. Consume it every day for at least a week.

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