Russian Scientist Photographs Soul Leaving Body and Quantifies Chakras in This ‘Must See’ VIDEO!

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The question about the existence of the soul has always been posed. This question was mentioned in Russia by Dr.Konstatin Korotkov who has claimed that he had some evidence that our souls exist after our death.  The following text provides an explanation of his evidence, a photograph of a soul leaving its body and the estimated chakras.

Since ancient times, there is a divided belief in terms of the notion of soul. Some people believe that the souls exist, but others believe in the opposite. However, nowadays there is no concrete evidence of the existence of the soul. Maybe one day someone will invent some tool that will prove its existence.Until there are no concrete evidences about its existence we have just to look at its effects.

Sometimes the soul is compared to the gravity since they could not be seen, but can be realized by its effects.

The previously mentioned scientist, Dr. K. Korotkov is an university professor in Russia who has in the nineties has provided an interesting technology that has been created by time and through different  ways. His device was named GVC, invented on the basis of energy meridians by the Chinese system.

By a noninvasive, painless evaluation, this device serves to measure the energy that all the living organisms provide. It provides the results of an electrical current  which is linked to the finger tips and in less then a millisecond gives the signals from it. When such electric charged pulses around the body, it responds with some kind of “electron cloud” from light protons.

This electron cloud can be captured and recorded with an optical camera called CCD camera and then can be sent to a computer.

Distinctive organs and systems in the body are represented by different sect of the finger tip. A computer creates a figure of a body and projects an auric cloud through out the body, corresponding to each chakra.

So, the Ayurvedic Indian medicine points out that each fingertip corresponds to a different body part and system within us as well as seven points of energy are located along the center. Konstantin applied this idea in his technology.

Each chakra was represented by a different coloured ball and the how far it is from the center,  so far a mental, physical and emotional work that chakra needs. If you have some chakras that are off you need to work more on that part. For example, throat chakra is usually connected to speak up, heart chakra with compassion and understanding, etc.

In order to present the moment when the soul leaves someone’s body at the moment of death, Korotkov used a Kirlian photography. He claims that the ultimate parts that lose the life force is the navel and the head while the heart and groin are the last ones.

In cases when people had brutal or unexpected deaths, the soul appears in a confused manner and their consciousness does not actually know they died.

This technique has been used all around the world by a great number of doctors, a stress monitor and treatment for cancer.

Many doctors generally believe that many diseases occur as a result of emotional disruption and then turn t physical illness.

Greater understanding of people’s consciousness and it effects on our physicality provides greater medical exploration.

Via Simple Capacity

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