Scientists Discover Herb That Fights Dementia and Increases Memory by 75%

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Rosemary is an aromatic herb that is used for garnishing dishes and meals because of its unique smell.

The experts claim that this aromatic herb can treat successfully the Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

Shakespeare might have been met with the healing properties of rosemary since he described it in Hamlet as “There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance: pray, love, remember”.

According to the studies, this miraculous plant has very potent effects when it comes to memory loss and mental diseases.

Mark Moss has made a research about the effects that rosemary scent provides to the brain. The research had come to overwhelming discoveries.

The rosemary scent is significantly connected with the improved cognitive function or precisely to the retention of memory. All of the participants in the research improved their scores on different tasks only with the help of rosemary.

According to another study, the rosemary gave excellent results in the treatments of patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. All of the patients significantly improved their cognitive function after the therapy especially for the patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

So, these results point out that rosemary can be a powerful natural remedy for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. For that reason, take a deep breath of this potent herb and boost the performance of your brain immediately.

The following video will give you some extra information in terms of the health benefits of rosemary.

Via Healthy Food House | Love This Pic | BBC | Real Natural | NCBI

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