Signs that Indicate Your Body is Too Acidic and How to Fix it Fast

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The acidity of the body indicates the concentration of acid in the body fluids. On the other hand, the alkalinity of the body, means the capacity of the body fluids, like blood, saliva, urine, to neutralize the acids.

Our body needs these fluids for the most vital functions, like digestion, transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, protection and overall lubrication of the body.

The levels of acids must be kept at a specific range to prevent harming the body.

The term pH stands for “potential hydrogen”, and it measures the concentration of hydrogen ions in the body fluids. The official pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. Body fluids with higher pH level are richer with oxygen and more alkaline.

On the contrary, body fluids with lower pH level are less oxygenated and more acidic. 7.0 is regarded to be the neutral pH level.

Here are the ideal pH levels of the body fluids:

Saliva pH = 7.0-7.5Blood pH = 7.35-7.45Urine pH = 4.6-8.0

If the pH level is lower for each fluid, it indicates that the body is too acidic. But the majority don’t even test their pH levels since they are not familiar with the basic symptoms of acidity.

Therefore, we present you the main symptoms that will help you determine if your body is too acidic, and then several natural ways to restore the alkaline balance.

1. Excess Weight

If the alkaline balance in your body is not maintained, there will be a surplus waste product in an acid form in your body. Since the organs responsible for eliminating the toxins (kidneys, colon, skin, and lymph system) are overwhelmed with the stream of toxins from the extra acid, they can’t eliminate the excess acid from the body.

The way our body deals with this huge amount of acid is returning it back to the fat tissues, where it attaches to fat cells. That’s why people can’t lose weight when they have a too acidic body.

2. Weak Bones

A body with too acidic fluids tries everything it can to keep an alkaline balance so that it can continue functioning normally. For that purpose, it needs to pull the minerals from the organs and tissues to minimize and alkalize the acidity.

Calcium located in the bones is one of these minerals, and as we know we need this mineral to keep the strength of our bones. So, when the body uses up the bones’ calcium reserve to neutralize its acidity, the bones become weak.

This indicates that if you fracture your bones easily, or if you have osteopenia or osteoporosis, your body might be too acidic. It is for this reason that osteopenia and osteoporosis patients are recommended to refrain from caffeine, beef, soda, and other acidic foods.

3. Dental Problems

Teeth hold calcium reserves just like bones. When the body has excess acid, it tries to alkalize itself to prevent illnesses by pulling calcium not only from the bones but also from teeth.

The International Journal of Chemical Engineering and Applications has published a 2015 study according to which low pH levels in the mouth might lead to demineralization of the tooth enamel. According to the study, if we expose the mouth bacteria to sweet foods and drinks, we can further aggravate the production of lactic acid in the mouth, leading to cavities.

When teeth start to feel the effects of acidity in the body, we might notice an increased sensitivity to cold or hot foods and drinks. Another possible result is the appearance of cavities, which is especially painful when eating something sweet. Other related symptoms include bleeding gums that might appear after brushing the teeth.

4. Fatigue

A too acidic body is a body with increased susceptibility to viruses, fungi, and bacteria. These microorganisms thrive perfectly in an acidic environment. So, a group of microorganisms settles in the gums, digestive tract, and other tissues and organs, causing overdrive of the immune system while it’s attempting to fight them.

After a certain period, the immune system gets tired, and the body starts to lack energy. Moreover, these infectious entities impede the absorption of essential nutrients, like vitamins and minerals. This affects the production of enzymes and hormones essential for producing energy. Consequently, all this leads to a state of fatigue.

5. Skin Problems

Skin is one of our detoxifying organs, so low pH levels can cause the appearance of dermatological manifestations, known as skin conditions.

When the bloodstream has too much acid, it becomes susceptible to bacteria and toxin overload. In this case, the liver is not able to flush out all acidic toxicity from the body, so the skin helps in their elimination. This attempt results in the formation of rashes, acne, eczema, and allergies.

6. Mucus Buildup

One of the natural defense mechanisms against the excess acid is producing mucus in order to eliminate the acid buildup through the nasal passage. Another possible scenario can be excess acid in the nasal passage itself. Regular mucus buildup might indicate an overly acidic body.

In such cases, urgent medical attention is required, since the lungs will be constantly exposed to mucus, causing excessive coughing, sinus issues, wheezing, chest pain, and breathing problems.

7. Muscle Pain

Excess acid in the body can lead to constricted muscles, which further hinders the oxygen-carrying blood capillaries that run through the muscles. This can lead to strain and deprivation of oxygen. Moreover, it impedes the vitamin and nutrient absorption from the blood, which is essential for normal functioning.

In such condition, the deprived muscles work too much to continue functioning, leading to pain and soreness. If besides muscle pain you experience fatigue, that’s even a clearer sign that your body is overloaded with acids.

8. Sleeplessness

If you feel tiredness and fatigue, at the same time having problems with falling asleep, while your body desperately needs it, you probably have low pH levels. Sleeplessness can be caused by insufficient calcium in the body, so this is another sign that your body pulls the calcium from your bones to try to neutralize the acidity in your body.

How to Fix the Problem

report this adHere are the things you can do to reduce the acid levels in your body and alkalize it naturally.

Well-Hydrated Body – If your body is properly hydrated, the excess acid will keep moving through your system, and the digestive tract will be able to easily eliminate it. So, if you are not getting adequate water, any attempts to cure illness will fail.Warm Lemon Water – Although lemon is an acidic fruit, lemon juice is acidic only outside the human’s body. Once it enters the body and undergoes metabolism, lemon juice will be an alkalizing food that will increase the pH levels in your body.Green Leafy Vegetables – Some of the most alkalizing green veggies are: cucumber, kale, spinach, broccoli, arugula, green peppers, collards, chard, zucchini, lettuce, artichokes, green asparagus (white one is acid-producing) and celery.  It will be even better if you juice some of these veggies and make yourself a tasty juice for a healthy breakfast.Stop Consuming Highly Acidic Products – They are alcohol, caffeine, soft drinks, processed junk foods, processed meats, and artificial and processed sugars.Calcium and Magnesium – These minerals are essential for the health of your bones, muscles, teeth, heart, and nervous system. Excess acid in your body causes extraction of magnesium from muscles and calcium from bones in order to restore the alkaline balance. This causes calcium and magnesium deficiency.Some excellent sources of calcium are the dark, leafy green veggies we mentioned earlier, seafood (salmon and mackerel), dry fruits, and grain cereals. You can also consult your doctor to start taking magnesium and calcium supplements.Organic Foods – Stop consuming GM foods that contain various chemicals and other contaminants, and try to eat only organic foods.

Via Top 10 Home Remedies | IJCEA | NCBI

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