Spend 5 Minutes a Day Doing These 5 Exercises and Watch Your Eyesight Improve

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Eyesight is probably the most used and important sense of people. It enables observing the world around us in color and HD. In a way, it’s a natural compass we use to explore the surroundings. But, using our vision all the time, except when we sleep, has made us take our eyes for granted.

Our vision worsens with aging, and that’s a fact we must accept. However, the way we take care of our eyes determines the pace of our eyesight deterioration. Luckily, there are things we can do to slow this process and improve our eyesight naturally,

Here are five simple exercises beneficial for your vision.

1. Roll Your Eyes

Rolling your eyes at someone is rude, but also a great exercise for the eyes. Roll them up as much as you can, rotate them clockwise ten times, and then counterclockwise for ten more times. Do this three times, of course not in front of someone.

2. Blink Your Eyes

Although we all blink naturally, try focusing on fully opening and closing your eyelids for 20 times. Blinking causes production of tears which clean our eyeballs. This in turn, relaxes the eye muscles.

3. Sideway Views

Look left as much as you can with both eyes for a period of three seconds. Repeat this with the other side. Do this exercise ten times. Once you are done, relax your eyes as the exercise affects the eye muscles.

4. See Near, See Far

Sit at a place where you can focus on something faraway. Focus your gaze on your nose for ten seconds, and then look at the chosen object faraway, for about five seconds. Do this five times, and then relax your eyes.

5. Massage Your Temples

Press your thumbs on your temples, and massage with rotating movements ten times clockwise, and another ten counterclockwise. Do this three times, but make sure you don’t press too hard because your face muscles should relax. Repeat the same exercise for the area on both sides of the bridge of your nose, and in the middle of your eyebrows.

Do these five exercises on a daily basis, and they will work your eye muscles, improve your eyesight, and relax your facial muscles.

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