Texas School Solves Attention Deficit Disorder By Making Recess Time Longer

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With the increase of the testing requirements and fewer and fewer lessons like sport, music, and art, public education is beginning to be more and more stressful for the children. When exposed to stress in this type of environment the results are obvious.

On the other hand, the medical establishment along with the great pharma gives ADHD medications to children that are active. However, this status quo changed in one school in Texas.

Ways To Improve The Environment

There is a way to make the environment according to the needs of the children. First, Return to Now. For example, in order to increase concentration and reduce school violence as well, meditation has shown as very effective.

In the school cafeterias instead of the usual fast and processed snack food, they might use organic and quality nutritious food instead.

A natural solution for children and their inattentive behavior may be exactly what Texas schools are doing. Texas schools are revolutionizing a very simple idea. They just let the children play more. Children are allowed to play outside more and in that way they engage themselves in physical activity.

Texas schools are trying this new idea which proves to be efficient and solve behavioral problems.

The Inspiration For The Idea Came From Finland

This idea is proven to work in Finland. In Finland, the test scores of the students improved along with the extended recess time. This example actually served as an inspiration for the schools in Texas and their revolutionary program.

Texas schools increased recreational time outdoors. That leads to results in a decrease in behavioral interruptions and distraction and also helped with the increase in focus with children.

Today reports that the school Eagle Mountain Elementary in Fort Worth, Texas, gave for the first-grade students and the kindergarten students every morning two recess break that lasts 15 minutes.

However, the school mentioned above also gave two recess breaks that also last 15 minutes but in the afternoon.

This made it possible for children to spend more time outside. At first, the teachers did not approve of this decision. The teachers were worried that because the classroom time got shorter, they would not be able to cover all the material needed.

The experiment lasts for five months now. Reports say that the children are learning more now. It is easy for the students to pay attention and focus without fidgeting.

The thing that brings the success of this program is the fact that the mental and physical monotony breaks. The four breaks per school day allow the students to develop their minds and bodies. Meanwhile, students use their energy constructively.

While school administrators were pessimists considering this program, the results were positive.  The results correspond with the opinion of the American Academy of Pediatrics when it comes to playtime.

The Opinion of The American Academy of Pediatrics

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, recess is a necessary and crucial component of the development of the children. According to research, it has many benefits like social, cognitive, physical, and even emotional benefits.

The American Academy of Pediatrics warns that what might be counterproductive, is the fact that many other schools cut the breaks in order to squeeze in more and more lessons.

Dyslexia Daily for them to fit in, is a big mistake. Kids perceive drugs as mental handcuffs. Programs like this one in Finland and Texas need to be adopted worldwide.

According to the director and creator of the Link Program Dr. Debbie Rhea fifteen minutes per day more than usual, allows kids to use it as a platform and function the best they can.

If you want to find out more, open this video!

Source:  Return to Now; Image Source Change

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