The Miraculous Japanese Facial Massage That Will Make You Look Ten Years Younger

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With the help of the popular Japanese Tanaka massage, you will look much younger in a very short period of time. If you repeat this message on a daily basis, without breaks, for two weeks, you will be amazed by the results.

The Tanaka massage will eliminate the wrinkles and fine lines from your face and make the skin tighter. Every individual that has practiced this massage has confirmed that the results are visible only after two weeks. Tanaka massage encourages the work of the lymph glands which means that it actually speeds up the process of removal of excess fluids and dangerous toxins from the face.

You won’t need any oils or creams for this massage, but if you want to use them, you should use cotton oil because it is packed with vitamins and omega-6 fatty acids. Almond and olive oil are good too.

Check this video to see how you should perform this massage.

Via Sayeeda

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